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LAUNCHPAD/ResolveLinkLocate this document in the navigation structure

You can use this service operation to get details for navigation link targets from launchpad Customizing in a format which is adjusted to a js-epcm-navigation and which can be triggered on the user interface.

This service operation has the return type NavTarget. You can use this operation to navigate to a target using JavaScript. The advantages are as follows:

  • URLs are only resolved if required.
  • Triggering the navigation is handled by the UI.
  • OBN targets can be resolved in the enterprise portal's Portal Content Directory.

URL: http://<server>:<port>/sap/opu/odata/UI2/LAUNCHPAD/ResolveLink?linkId='<LAUNCHPAD ID>'&businessParams='<BUSINESS PARAMETERS>'&shellType='<SHELL TYPE>'

Example: http://<server>:<port>/sap/opu/odata/UI2/LAUNCHPAD/ResolveLink?linkId='08HOME_AND09AREA_PAGE2080E0ED0A31991DDDBF8811D66FDE133F'&businessParams=''&shellType='STANDALONE'


To get the response in JSON format, add the URL parameter &$format=json.

Table 1: Parameters
Parameter Name Type Description
linkId Edm.String

Launchpad ID

Example: '08HOME_AND09AREA_PAGE2080E0ED0A31991DDDBF8811D66FDE133F'

Alternatively, the linkID can also be composed of the role, instance and application alias.


In this example, the role is AEPM_DEMO, the instance is EPM_APP_LINKS, and the application alias is COPY_SALES_ORDER.

businessParams Edm.String  
shellType Edm.String

The following values are supported:

  • 'NWBC'
  • 'PORTAL'
  • '' (default)

If no shell type is set, the STANDALONE type is used.

The STANDALONE shell type returns an absolute URL.


The following example shows the structure of the data returned for shell type STANDALONE in JSON format:


    "d": {
        "__metadata": {
            "uri": "http://<server>:<port>/sap/opu/odata/UI2/LAUNCHPAD/NavTargets('08HOME_AND09AREA_PAGE2080E0ED0A31991DDDBF8811D66FDE133F')",
            "type": "LAUNCHPAD.NavTarget"
        "Absolute": {
            "__metadata": {
                "type": "LAUNCHPAD.Absolute"
            "shellTitle": "Participation Overview",
            "windowFeatures": "",
            "historyMode": 0,
            "url": "",
            "systemAlias": ""
        "Obn": {
            "__metadata": {
                "type": "LAUNCHPAD.Obn"
            "businessObject": "",
            "operation": "",
            "resolvingMode": "",
            "getParameters": "",
            "systemAlias": ""
        "linkId": "08HOME_AND09AREA_PAGE2080E0ED0A31991DDDBF8811D66FDE133F",
        "businessParams": "",
        "shellType": "STANDALONE",
        "launchInplace": "false",
        "shellHosted": "true",
        "shellVisibility": "MINIMAL",
        "applicationType": "URL",
        "applicationData": "",
        "applicationAlias": "",
        "postParameters": ""



The following example shows the structure of the data returned for shell type NWBC in JSON format:


    "d": {
        "__metadata": {
            "uri": "'08HOME_AND09AREA_PAGE2080E0ED0A31991DDDBF8811D66FDE133F')",
            "type": "LAUNCHPAD.NavTarget"
        "Absolute": {
            "__metadata": {
                "type": "LAUNCHPAD.Absolute"
            "shellTitle": "Participation Overview",
            "windowFeatures": "",
            "historyMode": 1,
            "url": "ROLES://portal_content/",
            "systemAlias": ""
        "Obn": {
            "__metadata": {
                "type": "LAUNCHPAD.Obn"
            "businessObject": "",
            "operation": "",
            "resolvingMode": "",
            "getParameters": "",
            "systemAlias": ""
        "linkId": "08HOME_AND09AREA_PAGE2080E0ED0A31991DDDBF8811D66FDE133F",
        "businessParams": "",
        "shellType": "NWBC",
        "launchInplace": "false",
        "shellHosted": "true",
        "shellVisibility": "MINIMAL",
        "applicationType": "URL",
        "applicationData": "",
        "applicationAlias": "",
        "postParameters": ""



The following example shows the structure of the data returned for shell type PORTAL in JSON format:


    "d": {
        "__metadata": {
            "uri": "'08HOME_AND09AREA_PAGE2080E0ED0A31991DDDBF8811D66FDE133F')",
            "type": "LAUNCHPAD.NavTarget"
        "Absolute": {
            "__metadata": {
                "type": "LAUNCHPAD.Absolute"
            "shellTitle": "Participation Overview",
            "windowFeatures": "toolbar=no,resizable=yes",
            "historyMode": 1,
            "url": "ROLES://portal_content/",
            "systemAlias": ""
        "Obn": {
            "__metadata": {
                "type": "LAUNCHPAD.Obn"
            "businessObject": "",
            "operation": "",
            "resolvingMode": "",
            "getParameters": "",
            "systemAlias": ""
        "linkId": "08HOME_AND09AREA_PAGE2080E0ED0A31991DDDBF8811D66FDE133F",
        "businessParams": "",
        "shellType": "PORTAL",
        "launchInplace": "false",
        "shellHosted": "true",
        "shellVisibility": "MINIMAL",
        "applicationType": "URL",
        "applicationData": "",
        "applicationAlias": "",
        "postParameters": ""
