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Accessing the "fullscreen" ContractLocate this document in the navigation structure

As a prerequisite, you have to consume the fullscreen contract in the CHIP definition XML.

The fullscreen property is then available in the CHIP API object. It provides the following methods:

  • chip.fullscreen.attachFullscreen()

    You can use this event handler to find out when your CHIP should display a different view, for example when the user switches the fullscreen mode.

  • chip.fullscreen.getFullscreen()

    You can use this method to find out whether fullscreen mode is on.

  • chip.fullscreen.setFullscreen()

    You can use this method to switch fullscreen mode from within your CHIP.


Code Example
var oChipApi = this.getView().getViewData().chip,
  bIsFullscreen = oChipApi.fullscreen.getFullscreen();