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What's New in SAPUI5 Locate this document in the navigation structure

With this release the UI development toolkit for HTML5 (SAPUI5) is upgraded from version 1.24 to 1.26.

The following sections highlight the main new features and enhancements to SAPUI5. For a complete, detailed list of all new and enhanced functions, see the Change Log in the Demo Kit.

Main New Features

New OData Model Implementation: Features greatly improved two-way binding and $batch support, as well as improved performance overall through reduced and more asynchronous requests.

Support for Windows Phone (IE11 in Windows Phone 8.1 update 1): This support is valid for the following libraries (those supporting mobile devices): sap.m, sap.ui.core, sap.ui.layout and sap.ui.unified.

Usability Enhancements - Keyboard Shortcuts: Version 1.26 contains enhanced usability features, including new keyboard shortcuts for SAPUI5 controls.

Usability Enhancements - High Contrast Black: Version 1.26 also includes High Contrast Black (HCB) theme support for the sap.m library.

Fast Keyboard Navigation: The new fast keyboard navigation allows you to navigate quickly between groups using F6. For more information, see Fast Navigation.

Mobile Diagnostics: We have improved the structure of the mobile diagnostics dialog and added a new function for end-to-end (E2E) tracing. You can now open the dialog with the following touch combination: press two fingers on a non-interactive screen area (for example, a blank area) for at least 3 seconds, then tap with a third finger while still holding the other two on the screen. For more information, see Mobile Diagnostics.

jQuery 1.11.1: This version of jQuery is now used by default.

Extensibility: ExtensionPoints are now also offered in JSViews and controls can be hidden in all View types.

OPA (One Page Acceptance) Tests: The OPA tests have been improved. There is now a new way to structure your OPA tests: If you have multiple pages or UI areas that have several operations, you should place them as reuse functionality in page objects to make your OPA tests easier to maintain.

Visible Attribute: A visible attribute is now available for all controls, as they now inherit this property from the sap.ui.core.Control class.

SAPUI5 Flexibility Services: These services offer a multiple-layer approach and provide various features with regards to configuration and personalization functions for your SAPUI5 applications, such as variant management and personalized table settings.

New Node Type for sap.suite.ui.commons.ProcessFlow: The node type Planned with Issue is now available for sap.suite.ui.commons.ProcessFlow, meaning you can now choose between using a node Planned without a status, or with the status Planned with Issue.

Main New Controls

sap.ui.layout.FixFlex: This new control addresses the common layout use case where one part of the UI has a certain size (which may be set, or may be defined by the content size) and the other part of the UI should use all of the remaining space (horizontally and vertically). It also supports Internet Explorer 9 (which is not supported by the more powerful sap.m.Flexbox control).

sap.m.RadioButtonGroup: This new control improves the use of layouting, keyboard navigation and data binding for radio buttons.


sap.m.UploadCollection: This new control is a list control for attachment management. It is based on the sap.ui.unified.FileUploader control and allows you to upload, edit or delete attachments.

Smart Table: This new control is used to create various types of tables based on OData metadata and for personalized table settings.

P13nDialog: This new control provides a dialog for personalizing tables.