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Explains step-by-step how to easily write tests for SAPUI5 apps

We assume a simple app that displays a button on the page after a random time between 0 and 10 seconds. After pressing the button, the text on the button changes. Again, this may take 0 to 10 seconds.

This simulates the behaviour of many SAPUI5 apps: Depending on user actions and model changes, controls change after some time. How can we easily test these SAPUI5 apps without having to write complicated tests that know a lot about the implementation of the app?

Creating an Asynchronous App

First, we create a very simple view with an invisible button with Press me as button text:

<mvc:View controllerName="view.Main"
        <Button id="pressMeButton" text="Press me" press="onPress" visible="false"/>

We display the button in the controller after 0 to 10 seconds. On press, we change the text.

sap.ui.controller("view.Main", {

    onInit : function () {
            var that = this;
            window.setTimeout(function () {

      onPress : function () {
            this.byId("pressMeButton").setText("I got pressed");


Now how can we test this app without having to do a lot of mocking or writing of cryptic code?

Creating an OPA Test

When we write tests, we try to write it in a way that everyone can immediately understand what is done and tested with this test:"sap.ui.test.Opa5");"sap.ui.test.opaQunit");

opaTest("Should press a Button", function (Given, When, Then) {
    // Arrangements


    // Assertions

If you use opaQunit, OPA gives you the following three objects in your QUnit:

  • Given = arrangements
  • When = actions
  • Then = assertions

You have to define these functions, so that OPA knows what they are.

Given: Defining Arrangements

Let's start by defining arrangements. In the following example, we assume that the app runs in a page called index.html. Our OPA test is located in the test/opa5.html folder.

We define a relative path pointing to the index.html of our application under test ../index.html - ../. This means that you go one directory up relative to the current directory:

var arrangements = new sap.ui.test.Opa5({
    iStartMyApp : function () {
        return this.iStartMyAppInAFrame("../index.html");

This is simple because we already have programmed our app and just need to start it. The return this is needed for chaining the statements.

When: Defining Actions

We now give OPA the ID and the viewName of the control we are looking for. OPA waits until the element is present in the respective view. OPA checks whether it is visible. After OPA found the button, it invokes success. We have a reference to the button control like calling this.getView().byId("pressMeButton") inside the Main.controller.

We now know that the button is present and we can trigger a tap event. If no button is found, we specify an error message so we know which waitFor went wrong.

var actions = new sap.ui.test.Opa5({
    iPressOnTheButton : function () {
        return this.waitFor({
            viewName : "Main",
            id : "pressMeButton",
            success : function (oButton) {
            errorMessage : "did not find the Button"
Then: Defining Assertions

After clicking the button, we want to check if the text has changed. For this, we can use matchers to check if the button we are searching for matches our conditions. We want to be sure that the text property of the button is equal to "I got pressed".

var assertions = new sap.ui.test.Opa5({
    theButtonShouldHaveADifferentText : function () {
        return this.waitFor({
            viewName : "Main",
            id : "pressMeButton",
            matchers : new sap.ui.test.matchers.PropertyStrictEquals({
                name : "text",
                value : "I got pressed"
            success : function (oButton) {
                ok(true, "The button's text changed to: " + oButton.getText());
            errorMessage : "did not change the Button's text"
Running the Test

We have now defined all statements and must now add them to the OpaConfig as follows:

    arrangements : arrangements,
    actions : actions,
    assertions : assertions,
    viewNamespace : "view."

The viewNamespace is very important for finding the correct view. As you probably do not want to set this in every single waitFor, a default is provided. You can now launch the testpage and the OPA test should run. If everything worked, you get the following result:

API Documentation
iframe Support

You can use iframe to run your OPA5 tests. To do this, your app has to run on the same domain as your test, for example, if you have the test.html file next to the index.html file of your app, you can call:

new sap.ui.test.Opa5().iStartMyAppInAFrame("index.html?responderOn=true");

Your app will now run in iframe.

In Internet Explorer, the history behaves differently if an iframe was added with JavaScript. So you can add the iframe directly to the HTML of your test page:

<iframe id="OpaFrame" src="index.html?responderOn=true" style="width:100%; height:100%"></iframe>

To access iframe properties, you can get three objects via OPA:

//returns the body of the iframe wrapped in a jQuery object
//gives the iframe UI5 plugin 
//gives the iframe window object and retrieves the ui5 core interface