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Contacting Support from the LaunchpadLocate this document in the navigation structure

An end user can contact support from the launchpad, for example by creating an incident in SAP Solution Manager.


SAP Solution Manager must be part of the system landscape.


When the feature for contacting support is active, technical information, such as navigation data, errors, user details, and server details, is collected while the user is working. When choosing to contact support, either from the Options menu or from an error message, the user can enter free text to describe the problem, in addition to the technical data that was collected. The user text and the technical data are used to create a support ticket (for example an incident in SAP Solution Manager).


  1. In the header bar, click or tap the (Options) icon and select Contact Support; or in an error message, choose the Contact Support button.
  2. Enter a description of the problem.
    Choose Show Technical Data to view some of the technical data that will be appended to the ticket.
  3. Choose Send to create the support ticket (for example, an incident in SAP Solution Manager).