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 Creating Use AccessesLocate this document in the navigation structure


User packages cannot make use of all the visible elements of an interface of a provider package, unless there is use access available for it ("only visibility together with use access permits use"). The package immediately surrounding the embedded package is the only package that does not require use access for the interface, since here use access is implicit.

For migration projects, you can specify different levels of use by classifying error severity.

You have the option of creating use accesses either individually, for one package interface at a time (single maintenance), or in a mass maintenance transaction. In the second case, you can adopt all use accesses from the direct superpackage. If any use access has already been defined for the respective package using single maintenance, this will not cause any conflict. Then, only all the remaining use accesses for the superpackage will be added.


The suitable package interfaces of the provider package already exist.

The use access you want to define follows the rules of the package concept. More information: Permissible Use Accesses.

The direct superpackage has suitable use accesses that are to be adopted by the subpackage (only for mass maintenance).


Create Single Use Access

  1. Choose the client package.
  2. Choose the Use Accesses  tab.
  3. Make sure you are in Change mode.
  4. Choose Create.

    The system displays the Create Use Access dialog box.

  5. Make the required entries:

    Enter the Package Interface to which the use access should refer.

    Classify the level of use permission with Error Severity only if you do not wish to adopt the generated default value. You should do this only when migrating the generated use interfaces, and even then, only if you intend to update the use access.

    All values that differ from the default value No Reaction for error severity no longer mean genuine permission, but rather refer to varying degrees of prohibition of use. 

    Error Severity Meaning

    No Response

    Default value

    The system does not respond when you use interface elements (true permission).


    If you use interface elements, the system displays an Information message when you run an error check with transaction SLIN.


    If you use interface elements, the system displays a Warning message when you run an error check with transaction SLIN.


    If you use interface elements, the system displays an Error message when you run an error check with transaction SLIN.


    After performing an error check, the system classifies the interface elements as obsolete and then they should no longer be used.


  6. Choose  (Continue).
  7. Save the new values.

Adopt Use Accesses from Superpackage

  1. Choose the client package.
  2. Choose the Use Accesses  tab.
  3. Make sure you are in Change mode.
  4. Choose Adopt from Superpackage.
  5. The Package Builder adds all the Use Accesses from the direct superpackage. You have the option of specifying the error severity - different from the superpackage - in the corresponding field.
  6. Save the new values.

You have created for a user package all the required use accesses to the required interface(s). In this way, the user package can use all visible Repository objects of the listed provider packages.