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 Utilities for Technical Information About a ProgramLocate this document in the navigation structure

The Editor contains two utilities that maintain information about your program: the program index and the include list.

Program Index

The program index tracks the location of each object in your program. The index stores the location of global data, PBO modules, tables, and other program objects. When you double-click a code element in your program, the system consults the index to locate and navigate to the source of the element. For example, you can double-click a table name to navigate to the table definition in the ABAP Dictionary.

Each time you make code changes and save them, the Editor refreshes the program index automatically. After an abnormal program termination, the program index may not be up to date. If that happens, choose Utilities → Update Navigation Index from either the initial screen of the ABAP Editor, or from the program Editor screen itself.

Locating the Programs that Reference an Include

You can display a list of the programs that use a particular include program. To list the references, open the include file and choose Utilities →More Utilities → Main programs.

The system displays a list of the main programs that use that include.

From this list you can

  • Check the main programs.
  • Generate the main programs.
  • Branch to the main program's source code.
  • Search for strings in one or more of the main programs.

Using these functions, you can determine whether any changes made to an include program will affect a main program.