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Function documentationConsumption of Order-Based Transportation Requirements Locate this document in the navigation structure


When a delivery-based transportation requirement (DTR) is created in SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM) based on a delivery that was created in SAP ERP, the DTR consumes the freight units assigned to the relevant order-based transportation requirements (OTR) if the corresponding orders were sent to SAP TM.


Determination of Freight Units

SAP TM uses the ERP order (base document) item number that is referenced in the DTR item to find the corresponding OTR items (the base document number and item number is also referenced in the OTR items). In this way, the system can determine the relevant freight units, which are assigned to these OTR items.

Reassigning Freight Units to the Delivery-Based Transportation Requirement

SAP TM reassigns the freight units from the OTRs to the DTRs. If multiple freight unit items are determined, SAP TM assigns the freight unit items to the items of the DTR in chronological order (according the dates of the schedule lines that the freight unit items reference). Once a freight unit is assigned to a DTR, the freight unit cannot be assigned to another DTR.

If SAP TM does not determine any freight units, SAP TM can build new freight units for the DTR, if automatic freight unit building is allowed for the DTR type. This situation might occur for example, if deliveries are created in the ERP system without a preceding delivery proposal being sent from SAP TM.

Splitting Freight Units

If a freight unit is to be reassigned, but not all freight unit items or quantities are relevant for the DTR, SAP TM splits the freight unit. One of the resulting freight units contains only the relevant freight unit items and is assigned to the DTR. The other resulting freight unit contains the non-relevant freight unit items and is assigned to the OTR.

Furthermore, if the quantity in the DTR item is less than the quantity in the freight unit, SAP TM also splits the relevant freight unit.

If there are other differences between the freight unit or item and the DTR, SAP TM adapts the freight units accordingly so that the information in the freight unit corresponds to the transportation requirement.

Updating the Open Quantity of the Order-Based Transportation Requirement

The open quantity in an OTR represents the quantity that has not been assigned to a DTR. When freight units are reassigned to a DTR, the open quantity of the OTR is reduced accordingly.

Updating the Status of the Order-Based Transportation Requirement

Initially the OTR has the consumption status Not Consumed. If at least one OTR item or a part of an item has been consumed by a DTR item, the consumption status of the OTR will change to Consumed Partially. If all items in an OTR have been consumed, the system changes the consumption status to Consumed Completely. Once the consumption status is Consumed Completely, the system changes the lifecycle status to Completed.

Handling Units

The item structure of the DTR may differ from the structure in the OTR due to the handling unit information in the delivery received from SAP ERP. If a handling unit has been created, a handling unit is added to the DTR. This handling unit item is transportation relevant and includes the complete quantity of both the packaging and goods that are to be transported. The handling unit item can contain one or more product items or packaging items. The freight units (or parts thereof) that are determined for the items of this handling unit item are consolidated into one single freight unit item, which is assigned to the handling unit item.


The following figure shows a simple example of how an OTR might be consumed by a DTR and is followed by an explanation:

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

  1. Determine freight units

    The relevant freight units are determined based on the order item references that are contained in the DTR items and the OTR items.

  2. Reassign freight unit (FU 1)

    The first DTR item fully consumes the freight unit (FU 1) assigned to OTR item 1.

    The open quantity of OTR item 1 is reduced to 0

  3. Split freight unit (FU 2)

    The quantity in FU 2 is greater than the quantity in item 2 of the DTR. The DTR item consumes the necessary quantity of the FU. Therefore, the freight unit (FU 2) is split.

  4. Assign freight unit to DTR

    The freight unit containing only one item with the correct quantity, is assigned to the DTR item

  5. Assign freight unit to OTR

    The freight unit containing the remaining quantity is assigned to OTR item 2. The open quantity of OTR item 2 is reduced to 25.