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Function documentationCreation of Delivery Proposals Locate this document in the navigation structure


SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM) can propose inbound deliveries and outbound deliveries and send these proposals to SAP ERP to trigger the creation of deliveries.


  • An order-based transportation requirement exists.

  • Freight units exist for the order-based transportation requirement.

  • The order-based transportation requirement is not blocked for delivery.

  • A delivery is expected for the order in the ERP system. This can be determined, for example, by the order type, or shipping conditions.

  • If you want to use a selection profile to select the relevant input for the delivery proposal, you must have defined a selection profile.

  • If you want to use a delivery profile during delivery creation, you must have defined a delivery profile.

When using the background report, a delivery proposal must not have already been made for the freight units. This includes freight units for which a delivery failed to be created.


Background Report

The user can create delivery proposals for order-based transportation requirements by using a background report (report /SCMTMS/DLV_BATCH). The user can enter selection criteria or use selection profiles. In both cases, the user can also enter a delivery profile. The system selects the documents, creates the delivery proposals, and sends them automatically to SAP ERP.

If a freight unit is used for a delivery proposal, but no delivery-based transportation requirement was ultimately created, the user cannot use the report to create a new delivery proposal for that freight unit. Instead, the user has to create the delivery proposal interactively in SAP NetWeaver Business Client.

For more information about the background report, see Background Processing: Create Deliveries in ERP.

Interactive Delivery Creation

The user can create delivery proposals interactively, as follows:

  • Input selection with profiles: The user specifies one or more profiles according to which the system selects and displays a list of documents. The user can then select the relevant documents in the list and trigger delivery proposal creation. The user can review the delivery proposals before sending them to SAP ERP.

  • For a specific document: The user can trigger delivery creation for a specific business document from the overview of freight orders or freight bookings. The system automatically sends the proposals to SAP ERP to create deliveries. It also displays the proposals, but they are read only.

  • After planning: The user can trigger delivery creation for specific documents after carrying out planning in the Transportation Cockpit. The system displays the delivery proposals, which the user can then review before sending them to SAP ERP.

Source of Data

SAP TM collects data from the relevant documents as follows:

  • Dates

    SAP TM uses dates from the freight order or freight booking. If the order-based transportation requirement is not planned, that is no freight order or freight booking exists, then SAP TM uses dates from the freight units.

  • Quantities

    SAP TM uses quantities from the freight units.

  • ERP document references

    SAP TM retrieves document references (such as order document number) from the order-based transportation requirement.


If order-based transportation requirements have been planned, and freight orders or freight bookings exist for the transportation requirements, SAP TM uses only one freight order or one freight booking for each delivery proposal. That is, only freight units that belong to the same freight order or freight booking can be consolidated into a single delivery proposal. In this way, freight units from various order-based transportation requirements can be consolidated into a single delivery proposal if they belong to the same freight order or freight booking. If, however, freight units from a single order-based transportation requirement were distributed across multiple freight orders or freight bookings, then multiple deliveries are proposed for the freight units of this one order-based transportation requirement.

If order combination is not allowed for an order-based transportation requirement, SAP TM does not group freight units from this transportation requirement together with freight units from other order-based transportation requirements. If freight units for such order-based transportation requirements have been consolidated into the same freight order or freight booking during planning, SAP TM does not include them in the same delivery proposal, but instead creates multiple delivery proposals.

In addition, freight units can only be consolidated into the same delivery proposal if the following data is the same:

  • SAP ERP system from which the order was received

  • Source location

  • Destination location

  • Incoterms

  • Shipping conditions

  • SAP ERP document type, such as purchase order or sales order

  • Start stop (if planning has already been done)

  • Destination stop (if planning has already been done)

If an order-based transportation requirement has not been planned in SAP TM, and no freight order or freight booking exists, SAP TM can also create delivery proposals for the corresponding freight units. In this case, SAP TM creates delivery proposals according to the settings in the delivery profile. For more information about the delivery profile, see Delivery Profile.

Bill of Materials (BOMs)

Either a BOM header or BOM items can be goods-movement-relevant. If a BOM header is goods-movement relevant, SAP TM can, if necessary, distribute the quantity across multiple delivery proposals. If BOM items are delivery relevant, SAP TM expects a common delivery group for all items and does not distribute the items or their quantities across multiple delivery proposals.

Consumption of Schedule Lines in SAP ERP

The delivery proposal in SAP TM takes into account that SAP ERP consumes order schedule lines in chronological order. Therefore, SAP TM does not propose a delivery for a schedule line before another schedule line of the same order item that has an earlier delivery date has been used for a delivery proposal. If freight unit selection results in this situation, SAP TM excludes the affected freight units from the selection.

If an error occurs in SAP ERP when creating a delivery, then SAP ERP does not create deliveries that correspond to later schedule lines of the same order item, or the delivery is created but excludes the later schedule lines of that item.


  • To create delivery proposals using the background report, in SAP NetWeaver Business Client, choose   ERP Logistics Integration   Background Reports   Create Deliveries in ERP  .

  • To create delivery proposals interactively using selection profiles, in SAP NetWeaver Business Client, choose   ERP Logistics Integration   Delivery Creation   Create Deliveries in ERP   .

  • To create a delivery proposal for a specific freight order or freight booking, in SAP NetWeaver Business Client, choose Freight Order Management, select the order or booking from the relevant overview, and then choose Create Deliveries in ERP.

More Information

For information about monitoring the delivery creation process, see Monitoring of Delivery Creation.