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SAP LogonLocate this document in the navigation structure

SAP Logon is a locally installed program that you use to directly log on to an SAP system (see Direct Access with SAP GUI for Windows / SAP GUI for Java). It mediates between the SAP system and the SAP GUI user interface. The SAP Logon displays a list of available SAP systems and automatically selects servers with the best current response times. You can add and remove items in the list of systems. SAP Logon is available for SAP GUI for Windows and SAP GUI for the Java environment.
Note SAP Logon is not required for SAP GUI for HTML because a URL is used for access. This URL already contains a defined target system, the required application, and any other necessary information. It is provided as a link to the user.
More Information

To start SAP Logon, perform one of the following: You access this help by pressing the F1 key once the SAP Logon window is opened and active. The user help of the SAP Logon is context-sensitive: The related section of the documentation is displayed depending on the screen that you are currently on.