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Client and Language Versioning: ConceptsLocate this document in the navigation structure


Forms and styles are client-specific. That is, a form or style other than the SAP standard in client 000 is available only in the client in which it was created.

Forms and styles are also language-specific. That is, the definitions and texts in a form or style are defined for a particular language. Forms and styles can be translated using the standard SAP translation tools.

  • Client access: SAPscript accords forms and styles in client 000 a special status.

    If a form or style that is used in a document is not available in the client in which the document is being printed, then SAPscript checks for the form or style in client 000. If it is found there, then the client 000 version is used to print the document.

    SAP standard forms and styles are always held in client 000. You can take advantage of client access for client 000 by storing your Yxxx and Zxxx forms and styles there. That way, if a local version of a form or style is not present in a client, the client 000 version is used instead.

    For more information about managing forms and styles in multiple clients, see Transporting, Copying, and Comparing Styles and Forms.

  • Language rules: SAPscript uses the following rules to manage versions of forms and styles in different languages:

    • The language in which a form or style is created is its "original language." You can translate a form or style into other languages using SAP's translation tools.

    • If a form or style is needed only in its original language and does not need to be translated, you can indicate this by deactivating the Translation-Relevant checkbox in the header data. The form or style does not then appear in worklists in the translation tools.

    • In versions other than the original language version, changes to a form or style are limited only to the translation of texts. No changes to definitions and attributes are permitted.