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Registering Systems in the SAP Management ConsoleLocate this document in the navigation structure

You can extend the list of systems displayed in the SAP Management Console (SAP MC).


You have started the SAP Management Console (SAP MC).


  1. Choose Start of the navigation path File Next navigation step New End of the navigation path.
  2. In the New System dialog box, enter the required data for any system instance of the SAP system you want to register, for example the data for the primary application server instance.

    If you have already registered systems in the SAP MC, they are stored in the history. To open the System History dialog box, choose the browsing button next to the Instance No. field. Select an instance of the system that you want to add and choose OK.

    The SAP MC automatically registers all instances of the SAP system.
  3. If your SAP system has SAP HANA database, you have to repeat the previous step for the SAP HANA database instance.


The SAP MC displays the system with all its instances in a tree view in the navigation pane.