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Configuring the SAP Management Console to Access LDAP DirectoriesLocate this document in the navigation structure

You can configure the SAP Management Console (SAP MC) to access Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directories.


The SAP Management Console (SAP MC) reads information about SAP systems and instances directly from the LDAP directories so that its structure and some of the information it presents are taken from the LDAP server.


  1. Configure the SAP MC for connecting to an LDAP server:
    1. Choose Start of the navigation path Tools Next navigation step Settings End of the navigation path.
    2. In the Settings dialog box, select LDAP.
    3. Enter the host of the LDAP server, the user credentials and the domain name of the LDAP database.
    4. Choose Apply. The SAP MC saves the settings in the console history.
  2. Connect the SAP MC to an LDAP server:
    1. Choose Start of the navigation path Tools Next navigation step LDAP End of the navigation path.
    2. In the Start of the navigation path LDAP Browser Next navigation step Specifying the LDAP-Server Host Parameters End of the navigation path dialog box, either select an LDAP server host from the history or enter a new LDAP server host.
    3. Enter the user credentials and password. The LDAP server host and user credentials are saved in the SAP MC history.
      If you select Anonymous then you do not have to enter the user credentials.
    4. Choose Next.
    5. In the Start of the navigation path LDAP Browser Next navigation step Specifying the LDAP Search Filters End of the navigation path dialog box, filter the systems and instances you want to view by entering data in the Management Domain, System, and Instance fields.
      Asterisk (*) is a valid entry.
    6. Choose Next.
    7. In the Start of the navigation path LDAP Browser Next navigation step Search End of the navigation path dialog box, you can search the LDAP directory for the SAP system you want the SAP MC to display for monitoring.
    8. Choose Finish.