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Exporting and Importing System Snapshots of SAP Management Console ViewsLocate this document in the navigation structure

You can create a system snapshot containing all SAP Management Console (SAP MC) views, including the latest logs, and then export it as a file.


Snapshots can be used for post-mortem analysis or to track down a problem. With the SAP NetWeaver Management Console it is possible to load, create, and work with snapshots.


  1. In the navigation pane of the SAP MC, select the system or instance node, and from the context menu, choose Create Snapshot.
  2. In the snapshot wizard, specify the required details and the path of the snapshot location.
  3. Choose Finish. The SAP MC creates the snapshot file in the specified directory.

    Depending on the selected options, this operation can consume a significant amount of system resources.


You have created a snapshot of the current SAP MC view. You can then reopen the snapshot file and perform an offline analysis of the system or use it as an attachment to report a problem to SAP.