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Getting the Latest Version of the SAP Management ConsoleLocate this document in the navigation structure

SAP recommends that you always use the latest version of the SAP Management Console (SAP MC), otherwise certain features described in this documentation might not be available.


When the SAP MC is up and running, you can check the version by choosing Start of the navigation path ? Next navigation step About End of the navigation path from the menu bar in the UI of the SAP MC. The Version: entry contains four digits: The first digit means the kernel version, and the second digit the patch level. The remaining digits are not relevant in this respect.

Example 7200, 417, 21, 20170, where 7200 is the kernel version and 417 is the patch level (PL).

See also Starting the SAP Management Console.


  1. Go to the SAP Software Distribution Center at: published on SAP site.
  2. Log on with your SAP Service Marketplace ID.
  3. In the navigation bar, choose Start of the navigation path SAP Software Download Center Next navigation step Support Packages and Patches Next navigation step Browse our Download Catalog Next navigation step Additional Components Next navigation step SAP Kernel Next navigation step SAP KERNEL <OS>  Next navigation step SAP KERNEL <Release>  Next navigation step Database independent End of the navigation path.
  4. Select the appropriate sapmc_<version>.sar archive from the Download tab.
  5. Make sure that the SAPCAR tool is available on the host where you want to update the SAP Management Console.

    You need the SAPCAR tool in order to be able to decompress the sapmc_<version>.sar archive. For more information about SAPCAR and how to get it, see SAP Note 212876 Information published on SAP site.

  6. Use SAPCAR to decompress the sapmc_<version>.sar archive to a local directory by executing the following command:
    Windows SAPCAR.exe -xvf sapmc_<version>.sar
    UNIX, IBM i ./SAPCAR -xvf sapmc_<version>.sar
    A directory servicehttp with a subdirectory sapmc is created during the extraction.
  7. Replace the existing sapmc directory with the sapmc directory extracted in the previous step.
    • If the SAP MC to be updated belongs to an SAP system instance, the existing sapmc directory is located in the exe directory of the instance.
      Windows C:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\DVEBMGS<instance_number>\exe\servicehttp\sapmc
      UNIX, IBM i /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/DVEBMGS<instance_number>/exe/servicehttp/sapmc
    • If you have a standalone SAP MC, the existing sapmc directory is in the directory to which the sapmc_<version>.sar archive was originally extracted:
    • Example
      Windows C:\<SAP_MC_dir>\servicehttp\sapmc
      UNIX, IBM i /<SAP_MC_dir>/servicehttp/sapmc

    When doing this you replace all files in sapmc subdirectory of the servicehttp folder with the files from the extracted sapmc_<version>.sar.

Next Steps

For more information about installing and updating the SAP MC, see SAP Note 1014480 Information published on SAP site.