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Background documentation List of the Pseudo Header Fields  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


Header Field Name



In the case of multipart entities (for example, when uploading files from HTML forms), this field contains the body of the non-binary multipart segment.


In the case of multipart entities when uploading files from HTML forms, this field contains the content disposition (segment type; segment name (file name of the segment)).

Note Do not change this value. You can use method GET_HEADER_FIELD() to query the value.


In the case of multipart entities when uploading files from HTML forms, this field contains the file name as it was entered in the HTML form or selected from the “select file” dialog.

Note Do not change this value. You can use method GET_HEADER_FIELD() to query the value.


In the case of multipart entities for HTML forms, this field contains the name of the input field or HTML control. The value of this field or control can be obtained from ~content_data for the same entity

Note Do not change this value. You can use method GET_HEADER_FIELD() to query the value.


Contains the escaped path name from the request URI or URL (without query string), for example, /sap(XYasfduy===)/bc/bsp/sap/it00/default.htm from /sap(XYasfduy===)/bc/bsp/sap/it00/default.htm?x=1&y=2. Compare with ~path_translated and ~path_translated_expand.


Within a HTTP request handler (see interface IF_HTTP_EXTENSION), this field contains the URL suffix that comes after the URL prefix. The URL prefix is used to execute the request handler. This gives you the following:

~script_name + ~path_info = ~path_translated


If the request handler is registered under the URL /sap/bc/bsp (see transaction Using the ICF), this variable has the value /sap/it00/default.htm for the request URL /sap/bc/bsp/sap/it00/default.htm.


Contains the same information as ~path_info when the path does not use an alias. If an alias is used, ~path_info_expanded gets the internal representation of the path information. Within a HTTP request handler (see interface IF_HTTP_EXTENSION), contains the URL suffix that comes after the expanded URL prefix. The URL prefix is used to execute the request handler. This gives you the following:
~script_name_expanded + ~path_info_expanded = ~path_translated_expanded


If the request handler is registered under the URL /sap/bc/bsp (see transaction SICF), this variable has the value /sap/it00/default.htm for the request URL /sap/bc/bsp/sap/it00/default.htm.

If an internal or an external alias, for example, myApp, points to /sap/bc/bsp/sap, and if a request using this alias is used to gain access, then this variable is set to the value /sap/it00/default.htm (see ~path_info). The request would then read /myApp/it00/default.htm.


Contains the “unescaped” path name from the request URI or URL (without query string), for example, /sap/bc/bsp/sap/it00/default.htm from /sap(XYasfduy===)/bc/bsp/sap/it00/default.htm?x=1&y=2. Compare with ~path_translated and ~path_translated_expanded.


Contains the expanded, “unescaped” path name that is derived from the request URI or URL when the internal or external aliases are resolved.


If an internal or an external alias, for example, myApp, points to /sap/bc/bsp, and if a request using this alias is used to gain access, then this variable is set to the value /sap/bc/bsp/sap/it00/default.htm. The request would then read /myApp(XZasfduz===)/sap/it00/default.htm.


Contains the URL-escaped query string from the request URI of a HTTP request, that is, the string part after the first question mark; for example, name=Walt+Whitman&street=Oxford+Street from http://server:8080/sap/bc/ping? name=Walt+Whitman&street=Oxford+Street.

Note If you want to change the query string, set the individual form fields. To do this, use methods SET_FORMFIELD or SET_FORMFIELDS of interface IF_HTTP_ENTITY.


Contains the IP address of the HTTP client if the server is accessed without a HTTP proxy; otherwise this field contains the IP address of the last proxy in the chain of proxies outside the server.


Contains the complete HTTP request line of the request, for example, GET /sap/bc/ping?param=2 HTTP/1.1.

Note If you want to make changes to the request line, use the corresponding methods for manipulating the individual components of the request line.


Contains the HTTP method from the HTTP request line of the request, for example, GET, POST, or PUT.


Contains the complete URI from the HTTP request line of the request, for example, /sap/bc/ping?param=2 from GET /sap/bc/ping?param=2 HTTP/1.1.

Note If you want to make changes to the request URI, use the corresponding methods for manipulating the individual components of the request line.


Contains the complete HTTP response line (status line) of a received HTTP response, for example, HTTP/1.1 200 OK.

Note If you want to make changes to the response line, use the corresponding methods for manipulating the individual components of the response line.


Within a HTTP request handler (see interface IF_HTTP_EXTENSION), this field contains the URL prefix that is used to execute the request handler.

If the request handler is registered under the URL /sap/bc/bsp (see transaction SICF), this variable has the value /sap/bc/bsp for the request URL /sap/bc/bsp/sap/it00/default.htm.

If an internal or an external alias, for example, myApp, points to /sap/bc/bsp, and if a request using this alias is used to gain access, then this variable is set to the value /myApp (see ~script_name_expanded ). The request would then read /myApp/sap/it00/default.htm.


Within a HTTP request handler (see interface IF_HTTP_EXTENSION), this field contains the URL prefix that is used to execute the request handler.


If the request handler is registered under the URL /sap/bc/bsp (see transaction SICF), this variable has the value /sap/bc/bsp for the request URL /sap/bc/bsp/sap/it00/default.htm.

If an internal or an external alias, for example, myApp, points to /sap/bc/bsp, and if a request using this alias is used to gain access, then this variable is not set to the value /myApp, unlike in the case of the variable ~script_name, but is set to the expanded prefix /sap/bc/bsp. The request would then read /myApp/sap/it00/default.htm.


Contains the name of the server that received the request.


Contains the number of the port that received the request


Contains the protocol from the HTTP request line, for example, HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1.


In the case of a HTTP response (client), this field contains the HTTP status code, for example, 200 (OK).

Note Do not use method SET_HEADER_FIELD() to set the HTTP status. Use method SET_STATUS() of interface IF_HTTP_RESPONSE.


In the case of a HTTP response (client), this field contains the description text of the HTTP status code, for example, OK (200) or Not found (401). The interface IF_HTTP_STATUS contains a list of all status texts in the form of constants.

Note Do not use method SET_HEADER_FIELD() to set the HTTP status. Use method SET_STATUS() of interface IF_HTTP_RESPONSE.


Contains the URI scheme of the URL, for example, http or https.

To be more exact: The field contains the string that is at the beginning of the URL before the ://. This does not have to be the protocol that is used when working with proxies.

Note We recommend that you do not use this field to differentiate between HTTP and HTTPS. If you want to query whether it is an HTTPS connection, use attribute SSL_ACTIVE of the server object (see also IF_HTTP_SERVER).



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