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The following documentation describes frequent problems. You can search for the symptoms and error messages here and find their cause.

ICM not running

You can see from the ICM monitor initial screen that the ICM is not running.

ICM Status:            Not running RED (RED)

The trace file will give you the reason for this. Choose Goto Trace   File   Display All   or Display All (Display All).

Possible reasons why the ICM is not running are:

  • The executable is not there, the dispatcher could not start the ICM. In the trace file of the dispatcher dev_disp (such as using Transaction ST11) you see the following messages.

*** ERROR => Internet Communication Manager (pid 13538) died [dpxxdisp.c 11929]

*** ERROR => DpIcmCreate: execv ./icman (2: No such file or directory) [dpuxdisp.c 635]

***LOG Q0C=> DpIcmCreate, execv (./icman) [dpuxdisp.c 636]

  • The ICM was stopped manually (either on the operating system level or using the transaction SMICM). In the trace file of the ICM dev_icm, you then see messages

[Thr 1024]IcmLoop: Shutdown request received

[Thr 1024]*** ICM shutdown completed(pid: 25714) ***

  • An invalid version of ICM is being used. The version must match the SAP dispatcher (disp+work) version. If there is a conflict of versions, you see the following messages in dev_icm:

[Thr 1024] ***LOG Q0Z=> DpSysACreate, bad version (mem=161 exe=156) [dpxxtool2_mt 503]

[Thr 1024] *** ERROR => IcmInit: IcmIPCInit failed (rc=-1) [icxxman_mt.c 759]

Resource problems

The following tables describes possible resource bottlenecks and how to solve them.




You cannot create a new network connection to the ICM.

On the initial screen of the ICM Monitor you can see in Connections Used that the values for peak and maximum are the same.

This means that all connections were used up at a point in time.

Increase the parameter icm/max_conn (default 500).

The ICM queue for requests has overflowed. (Before a request is accepted, it is written to the queue, the ICM control then assigns a thread to the request.)

On the initial screen of the ICM Monitor you can see in Connections Used that the values for peak and maximum are the same.

You have either configured too few threads or the threads are blocked.

In the first case, increase the number of threads. In the second case, double-click on the hanging threads to determine why they are hanging.

For more information, refer to: icm/max_threads

The ICM has no MPI (buffer) left. An error is returned to the client.

Choose   Goto   Memory Pipes   Display Data   to check whether all MPIs or buffers are used or have been used.

The value of #MPI Pipes used should not exceed the limit of 2000, and the value of Peak buffer usage should not reach Total #Mpi Buffer.

You can change the MPI size (parameter mpi/total_size_MB and mpi/buffer_size), but not the total number of the MPIs, which is 2000 due to operating system restrictions.

For more information, refer to: Parameters for Memory Pipes

URL does not work

Check that you have entered the port correctly in the URL. On the initial screen of the ICM monitor, choose   Goto   Services   or choose Services (Services).

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

You can now check whether the ICM stops at the port specified in the URL.


  • Port 0 can only be used for outgoing connections (SAP NetWeaver Application Server as a client).

  • A service that is not active cannot accept any new requests. It processes all existing connections.

Port cannot be bound

The following error messages are written in dev_icm if services cannot be offered by the ICM.

[Thr 12301] *** ERROR => NiIBind: service 80 in use [nixxi_r_mt.c 3889]

[Thr 12301] *** ERROR => NiIListen: NiBind (rc=-4) [nixxi_r_mt.c 553]

This message means that the port was already being used or that authorization was missing to bind this port.

For more information, refer to: Binding Ports < 1024 on UNIX

SSL error

The following messages indicate problems with SSL initialization.

ERROR in sec_get_PSEtype: (4129/0x1021) The PSE does not exist : "/usr/sap/BIN/DVEBMGS53/sec/SAPSSLC.pse"

ERROR in aux_get_credentials_file: (17666/0x4502) Credential file not found: "/usr/sap/BIN/D12/sec/cred_v2"

[Thr 12301] *** ERROR => Initialization of SSL library failed -- NO SSL available!

The shared library or the certificate was not found here.

For more information, refer to: Using the Secure Sockets Layer Protokolls