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Background documentation Interfaces and Classes of the Virus Scan Provider API  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure

The interfaces and classes of the Virus Scan Provider API are in the package

To use the Virus Scan Provider, you need to set this up.

The four most frequently used objects are presented below. These are also contained in the Example Program for the Virus Scan Provider.

The most important interfaces of the Virus Scan Provider API are VSIService and Instance. You can use the methods of VSIService to access external virus scan products that are certified by SAP. The available methods of the VSIService interface include:

·         getGroup

·         getGroups

·         getInstance

·         getInstanceByGroup

·         getInstanceByProvider

·         getProfile

·         getProfiles

·         getProvider

·         getProviders

·         releaseInstance

External users of this API can use the methods of the Instance interface to return one of the following instances: profile, group, or provider (adapter or server). The available methods of the Instance interface include:

·         cleanBytes

·         cleanFile

·         getCleanedLength

·         getJobID

·         getLastErrorRC

·         getParameter

·         getParameters

·         scanBytes

·         scanBytesEx

·         scanFile 

·         setDefaultConfig

·         setJobID

·         setParameter

·         setScanInfo

The most important classes of the Virus Scan Provider API are Infection and ScanError. The class Infection contains the characteristics of a virus infection that has occurred. Since this information is returned by the external anti-virus software, it depends on the respective product. The available methods include:

·         getFreeTextInfo

·         getObjectName

·         getObjectSize

·         getVirusId

·         getVirusName

·        isRepairable

The ScanError class contains the characteristics of an error that has occurred during a virus check. Since this information is returned by the external anti-virus software, it depends on the respective product. The available methods include:

·         getErrorRC

·         getErrorText

·         getObjectName

·         getObjectSize

For more information, see the JavaDocs for the relevant interfaces and classes.


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