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Background documentation LinkToURL Properties  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure

Properties in the View Designer


The menu can be used with controlMenuDisabling=false, even if enabled=false is set for the link. However, if the link is disabled by a higher-level element, the menu is also disabled. With controlMenuDisabling=true the menu behaves like the link.


Activation of hotkeys.

This property can be personalized by an administrator.


Address/URL of the Web page to be opened.

The URL must be a valid absolute URL (http://…, https://…, ftp://…, mailto:// … and so on) or an absolute path to the application server. Relative paths refer to the MIME folder of the current Web Dynpro component. You can also specify the URL relative to the application server using the predefined /.


Note that JavaScript is not allowed.

This property can be personalized by an administrator.


New browser window in which the page is to be opened. You can specify the name of the target window yourself or use the following value that complies with the W3C-HTML standard: _blank

The page is always opened in a new window without a name. This is the default value.


A new window is always opened, even if _blank is specified. When you specify a window and one with this name does not exist, a second window is opened. If this second window already exists, the existing content in the second window is rejected and the new URL is loaded in. In this case the window is not placed in the foreground. The first window with the application and the LinkToURL remains with its original content.


Graphical display of the UI element.

This property can be personalized by an administrator.


Visual Display



This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

Link is displayed underlined and with a font color that is used for links already visited.


This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

Link is displayed underlined in the standard design.


This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

Link is displayed not underlined in the standard design.


This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

Link is displayed not underlined.



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