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Procedure documentation Java Program for Establishing a Server Connection  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


In the next step, you can write a Java program that establishes a server connection to a SAP gateway.


To do this, you need to:

·        extend the JCO.Server class

·        implement a constructor that passes on the required parameters to the JCO.Server superclass such as Gateway Host, Gateway Service, Program ID and Repository.

·        overwrite the protected void method handleRequest(JCO.Function function) and implement the coding that is executed when the call is received.

·        create various instances for your JCO.Serverimplementation and start them with start().



public class MyFirstServer extends JCO.Server {


     *  Create an instance of my own server

     *  @param gwhost (gateway host)

     *  @param gwserv (gateway service number)

     *  @param progid (program id)

     *  @param repository (repository used by the server to lookup the

       definitions of an inc)


    public MyFirstServer(String gwhost, String gwserv,

                         String progid, IRepository repository) {





     *  Overrides the default method.


    protected void handleRequest(JCO.Function function) {

        JCO.ParameterList input  = function.getImportParameterList();

        JCO.ParameterList output = function.getExportParameterList();

        JCO.ParameterList tables = function.getTableParameterList();


        System.out.println("handleRequest(" + function.getName() + ")");

        if (function.getName().equals("STFC_CONNECTION")) {

            System.out.println(">>> request STFC_CONNECTION: " + input.getString("REQUTEXT"));


            output.setValue("This is a response from MyFirstServer","RESPTEXT");





public class FirstExample {

    static MyFirstServer serverConnections[] = new MyFirstServer[3];


     *  Start the server


    public static void startServers()  {

      JCO.addClientPool("POOL",  3, "000", "user" ,"password" , "EN",

                                     "abap_system" ,"00");

       IRepository repository = JCO.createRepository("REP", "POOL");

       for(int i = 0; I < serverConnections.length; i++) {

           // Server listens for incoming requests from system 1

           // (Change gateway host, service, and program ID according to your


           serverConnections [i] = new MyFirstServer

                             ("gwhost",  //gateway host, often the same as host

                              "sapgw00", //gateway service, generally sapgw+<SYSNR>

                              "JCOSERVER01", // corresponds to program ID defined in SM59


           serverConnections [i].start();


    public static void stopServers()  {

       for(int i = 0; I < serverConnections.length; i++) {

           serverConnections [i].stop();


    public static void main(String[] args)    {

              startServers() ;



Additional Information

For a description of the Unicode connection, see:

·        Server Connection to a Unicode Backend System





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