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Procedure documentationChecking the TBOM Contents


If possible errors occurred during an analysis, check the TBOM contents.

Example Example

You have changed a custom program but the change is not reported in the results of your change analysis. Check whether the changed object is in the TBOM.

End of the example.


  1. In the Solution Documentation view, drill down to the TBOM, and choose its name to open it.

  2. Choose Show Content.

    If your TBOM has enhancements, also choose Display Contents in the Enhancements dialog.

    Statistical information, and a detailed list of all objects, are displayed.

  3. Choose the relevant content type.

    If the TBOM contains both static and dynamic enhancements, you can use the radio buttons in the header to specify which type of enhancement to display.

    The Graphic Overview shows the statistical distribution of the objects over the TBOM classification types and software components.

    The Table Overview shows the absolute and percentage distribution of all objects in the TBOM over the classification types.

  4. Expand the data in the tabular overview.

    The absolute and percentage distribution of objects is displayed for the following levels of detail:

    • Logical component group (several logical component groups are displayed for cross-system TBOMs)

    • Software component

    • Package (development class)

    The percentage is the proportion of the entire contents. The number of objects with classification type Table Contents is derived from the number of table keys recorded in the TBOM. If table keys were not recorded for a table, the table is counted as one object.

  5. In the Table Overview, select a package.

    The list of objects affected is displayed in a Detail Report.

    If the displayed objects are tables, the Key Exists column indicates whether table keys were recorded for the table entry.

  6. To display table keys, select the row or rows for objects with table keys and choose Show Table Keys.

    A report below the detail report lists the table keys for the selected objects.

  7. Choose Show Details to display the values for a key in a separate dialog box.