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Procedure documentationTrack-Specific CSOL Configuration


You can use the track-specific configuration to specify cross-system object lock (CSOL) configuration for each managed development system. These settings will override the general settings made when you activate CSOL globally.


To launch the track-specific configuration, call transaction SM30 and define object /TMWFLOW/CSOLCFG. Alternatively, you can access Track-specific CSOL configuration in the CSOL global configuration UI using transaction /TMWFLOW/CONFIG_LOCK.

You can specify the scope of each configuration row by the following categories:

  • Landscape

  • Branch

  • Cycle type

  • Managed development system name

  • Managed development system type

  • Managed development system client

You can use an asterisk (“*”) in these categories to let the configuration row match all possible values of the category.

For example, if you specify landscape “*”, branch “*”, cycle type “*”, managed development system name “DV1”, type “ABAP”, client “100”, the configuration row applies to all CSOL checks for transport requests created from the specified development system.

If you specify landscape “LANDSCAPE1”, branch “MAINTENANCE”, cycle type “*”, managed development system name/type/client “*”, the configuration row applies to all CSOL checks for transport requests that belong to cycles using the specified change control landscape and branch.


You can specify the configuration for each configuration row in the following fields:

  1. CSOL Check Mode

  2. Same Dev. (Same Development System)

  3. Cycle Relation

  4. Change Type Relation

  1. Describing the CSOL Check Mode Options:

    Stop at Error: If conflicts are detected between two transport requests, the Same Dev., Cycle Relation and Change Type Relation fields define the conditions for the conflicts to be recognized as an Error, which the end user cannot bypass. If the conditions are not met, the conflicts are identified as a Warning, which the end user can choose whether to bypass.

    Warning Only: Any conflicts detected between two transport requests are categorized as a Warning, which the end user can choose whether to bypass. It is useful to select Warning Only, for example, in quality gate management or change request management variant SAP1 scenarios.

    Silent: Any conflicts detected between two transport requests are categorized as an Information, and are only logged in database table /TMWFLOW/CSOLILG.

    Off: Cross-system object lock check is switched off for transport requests from the specified development system (or cycles with the specified landscape, branch, and type).

  2. Describing the Same Dev. Options:

    (Note that this field is only effective if Stop at Error in the CSOL Check Mode field is selected.)

    Deselected checkbox:

    If conflicts are detected between two transport requests, the conflicts are recognized as an Error unless the Cycle Relation and Change Type Relation options specify otherwise.

    Selected checkbox:

    If conflicts are detected between two transport requests, and if the transport requests are from different managed development systems, the conflicts are treated as a Warning. If the transport requests are from the same managed development system, the conflicts are identified as an Error, unless the Cycle Relation and Change Type Relation options specify otherwise.

    It is useful to select the Same Dev. option if you work with the retrofit function in combination with a maintenance landscape and an implementation landscape and you don’t intend to treat conflicts between two transport requests across the two landscapes as an Error. In this case, you can select the Same Dev. option to handle the conflicts as a Warning.

  3. Describing Cycle Relation Options:

    (Note that this field is only effective if Stop at Error in the CSOL Check Mode is selected.)

    Cross-Cycle: If conflicts are detected between two transport requests, and the Same Dev. option has not categorized the conflicts as a Warning, they are handled as an Error, unless the Change Type Relation option specifies otherwise.

    Same Cycle: If conflicts are detected between two transport requests, and the Same Dev. option has not categorized the conflicts as a Warning, then one of two possible reaction types becomes effective: If the transport requests are from two different cycles, the conflicts are recognized as a Warning. If the transport requests are from the same cycle, the conflicts are treated as an Error, unless the Change Type Relation option specifies otherwise.

    Different Cycle: If conflicts are detected between two transport requests, and the Same Dev. option has not categorized the conflicts as a Warning, then one of two possible reaction types becomes effective: If the transport requests are from the same cycle, the conflicts are recognized as a Warning. If the transport requests are from two different cycles, the conflicts are treated as an Error, unless the Change Type Relation option specifies otherwise.

  4. Describing Change Type Relation Options:

    (Note that this field is only effective if the Stop at Error in the CSOL Check Mode field is selected.)

    Urgent Only: If conflicts are detected between two transport requests, and the Same Dev. and Cycle Relation options have not categorized the conflicts as a Warning, then one of two possible reaction types becomes effective: If both transport requests belong to urgent changes (or quality gate management changes), the conflicts are treated as an Error. Otherwise, the conflicts are handled as a Warning.

    Partial Overlapping: If conflicts are detected between two transport requests, and the Same Dev. and Cycle Relation options have not categorized the conflicts as a Warning, then one of two possible reaction types becomes effective: If one of the transport requests belongs to an urgent change (or a quality gate management change), the conflicts are treated as an Error. Otherwise, the conflicts are classified as a Warning.

    Overlapping: If conflicts are detected between two transport requests, and the Same Dev. and Cycle Relation options have not categorized the conflicts as a Warning, the conflicts are treated as an Error.

    It is useful to set the Change Type Relation to Urgent Only if you want to avoid conflicts between urgent changes while, at the same time, you want to import other types of changes on the cycle level to keep them free from downgrades.

    Caution Caution

    When selecting one of the Warning Only, Silent or Off options, be aware of the risk of possible software downgrades when newer transport requests overwrite older transports containing the same objects.

    End of the caution.