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EEM Reporting: Step Availability Locate this document in the navigation structure

WebTemplate WebTemplate: 0SMD_EEM_STEPAVAIL


This WebTemplate checks the availability of the steps of all EEM scripts.

The availability is the proportion of of all executions (successful, canceled, and canceled because of planned downtime), which were successful.

The steps in each EEM script are numbered in ascending order.

It determines the following KPIs:

  • proportion of successful executions of a step

  • number of executions of a step which are planned in the period you specified

  • number of successful executions of a step

  • number of executions of a step canceled because of planned downtime

  • number of canceled executions of a step

The Web Template uses the query 0SMD_EEM_STEP_AVAIL (EEM Reporting: Step Availability).

Data Modeling


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Technical Name


EEM Reporting: Step Availability