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Parameters for tp Function PUTLocate this document in the navigation structure

  • lockuser

    Default value: 1

    Value range: Boolean

    During a tp put call, various users can log on to the SAP system at three different points. If the parameter lockuser is set to 0, nothing happens at these points. If not, an indicator is set in the database at the beginning and the middle of a tp put put call. This ensures that only users DDIC and SAP* can log on to the SAP system. Users who are already logged are not affected by this (this would be the only reason for activating parameters startsap and stopsap). This indicator is deleted at the end of the call, allowing all users to log on to the SAP system again. To find out the exact locking and unlocking locations, enter command tp put without any other arguments.

  • lock_eu

    Default value: 1

    Value range: Boolean

    During a tp put call, the system change setting may be changed at two locations. If the parameter lock_eu is set to 0, the system change option remains unchanged. If not , the system change option is set to Not modifiable at the beginning of the call, and is reset to its previous value at the end of the call. To find out the exact locking and unlocking locations, enter command tp put without any other arguments.

  • startsap

    Default value: Space (Windows)

    Value range: Text

    tp uses the value of this parameter to start an SAP system. It interprets this value as a complete path to a program that is able to start an SAP system. However, customers do not need tp to start (or stop) an SAP system. SAP has therefore defined the default value of the parameter so that the SAP system is not started at the customer.

  • stopsap

    Default value: Space (Windows)

    Value range: Text

    tp uses the value of this parameter to stop an SAP system. It interprets the value as a complete path to a program that is able to stop an SAP system. However, customers do not need tp to stop an SAP system. SAP has therefore defined the default value for this parameter so that the SAP system is not stopped at the customer.

If you want to activate the parameters startsap and stopsap, set them as follows:

  • UNIX

    STARTSAP = startsap R3

    STOPSAP = stopsap R3

  • Windows

    STARTSAP = \\$(SAPGLOBALHOST)\sapmnt\$(system)\sys\exe\run\startsap.exename=<SID> nr=<SYSTEMNR> SAPDIAHOST=<HOST>

    STOPSAP = \\$(SAPGLOBALHOST)\sapmnt\$(system)\sys\exe\run\stopsap.exename=<SID> nr=<SYSTEMNR> SAPDIAHOST=<HOST>