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Function documentationConfiguration of Thresholds for BI Monitoring Metrics


After BO jobs and BW process chains have been assigned for monitoring, you can configure details per monitored job, for example, the thresholds for the metrics available per BO job. You do this in SAP Solution Manager configuration, under Start of the navigation path Technical Monitoring Next navigation step BI Monitoring Next navigation step Monitoring and Alerting Next navigation step Configure BO Job Monitor End of the navigation path.



For every BO job and BW process chains, you can define thresholds for the following metrics:

  • Not started on time

    You can maintain the expected job start time (UTC). The not-started-on-time thresholds are measured against this reference time.

    You can enter thresholds in minutes for the job start delay. If the system does not find a job start event within the not-started-on time timestamp and the threshold, it raises an alert.

  • Out-of-time window

    Expected time window (UTC) for the job to start and finish within. The out-of-time window thresholds are measured against this reference time frame.

    You can maintain the thresholds in minutes for jobs started too early or finished too late.

  • Job duration

    You can enter thresholds in minutes for the job duration

Note Note

The system does not accept inconsistent threshold values or invalid time settings. In case of inconsistencies, details can be found in the log section on the screen.

End of the note.

The following additional metrics are available for BW process chains only:

  • Records processed

  • Data packages processed

They are only relevant for process chain steps that are loading data. For a process chain, the sum of all load step packages is used.

Configuration Views

You can maintain the metrics and thresholds for your BO jobs and BW process chains using the following views :

  • Mass edit view

    You can apply the same monitoring settings for multiple BO jobs and BW process chains.

  • Detail view

    On the Thresholds tab page, you can activate and maintain thresholds. You can display runtime statistics for the selected metrics, or for all metrics, as a basis for deciding which values to enter.

    You can define multiple time windows and multiple job start times. You can enter simple numbers that are converted by the system into timestamps.

  • Threshold mass maintenance

    For each metric, you can define how you want to edit it. All selected jobs are maintained accordingly.

More Information

Metrics in BI Monitoring

See also the configuration documentation in SAP Solution Manager configuration, for each configuration step and activity.