The Operations Control Center (OCC) is SAP’s recommended methodology for efficient SAP operations. The methodology is also called “Run SAP like a Factory”.
The OCC ensures highly automated and proactive operation, resulting in reduced operation costs, improved IT services, and increased business satisfaction. The OCC is closely integrated with the Innovation Control Center (ICC) and the SAP Mission Control Center (MCC).
The OCC is a central, on-site IT support entity that proactively monitors the productive SAP environment (non-SAP applications can be also included). SAP recommends setting up a physical room within the IT support organization.
Overview of Operations Control Center Integration in SAP Solution Manager
The general concept of an OCC is as follows:
The OCC collects technical (Application Operations) and functional (Business Process Operations) monitoring information about IT landscape components and business processes.
The data is stored in SAP Solution Manager and is displayed on central monitors, for example, on TV screens in the OCC room or in reports and dashboards.
Alerts are generated based on this data. A small team of IT operators processes the alerts in the event management process. When an alert is triggered, the IT operators immediately perform an initial analysis and take appropriate action, for example, cleaning up an SAP file system or restarting a background job. When the alert is solved, the IT operator closes the alert. If further support is required, the IT operator creates an incident from the alert with a single mouse-click and sends the incident to the next support level for processing.
The continuous optimization process finds solutions for the most problematic business and IT areas. The process is supported by data from the central monitors, for example, trending data on business throughput or backlog data, such as sales orders without deliveries or deliveries without invoice.
The OCC is closely integrated with IT Service Management (ITSM) processes, namely incident management, problem management, and change management.
The OCC is not available by default. To use the OCC, the following prerequisites must be performed:
SAP Solution Manager 7.1 is installed.
The central technical and functional monitors and dashboards are set up and configured.
The IT support processes for Event Management and Continuous Improvement are defined and properly integrated into the existing IT Support processes (especially with Incident Management).
SAP has documented the implementation and setup activities in detail in SAP Solution Manager, under Roadmaps (transaction RMMAIN). The relevant roadmaps are available as part of SAP software component ST-ICO. SAP Support Pack 35 for ST-ICO provides roadmap updates.
There are the following relevant roadmaps:
ESRV RSLaF Appl. Operations describes the setup activities for technical monitors.
ESRV RSLaF Business Proc. Oper. describes the setup activities for functional monitors.
ESRV RSLaF Operations Control Center describes the setup activities for Event Management and Continuous Improvement.
An OCC performs the following functions:
Immediately processes alerts from the productive SAP environment
Supports finding the root cause of problems
Provides transparency about the operational state of the SAP environment by using automated reports and dashboards
Constantly identifies and improves problem areas for business and IT services
An OCC can operate in multiple languages.