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Procedure documentationScheduling Jobs Directly Locate this document in the navigation structure


You want to schedule a job directly, that is, without creating documentation for it in advance, in a system connected to SAP Solution Manager.


  • You have made the system settings required to schedule a job in SAP Solution Manager, under   Capabilities (Optional)   Job Scheduling Management  .

  • You have processed your system landscape in the SAP Solution Manager (transaction SMSY). For more information, see Editing Logical Components.

  • You have set up the RFC connection to the system in SAP Solution Manager (transaction SMSY).

  • You have opened the Job Management work center.


To schedule a job directly, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Job Management work center, choose the Schedule Jobs pushbutton under Common Tasks.

    A dialog box appears.

  2. Select the following in the dialog box:

    • The system for the scheduling

    • The client (optional)

    • The scheduling method

      • To schedule the job with an external scheduler, select the SMSE (Solution Manager Scheduling Enabler) interface.

      • To schedule the job directly using an SAP Solution Manager system RFC connection, choose the BC-XBP interface.

      For more information, see Scheduling Jobs with Job Documentation.

  3. Choose Start.

    A dialog box appears.

  4. To enter the parameters and scheduling data, you can:

    • Enter the job information in the dialog box.

      Note Note

      You can enter up to five job steps directly.

      End of the note.
    • To import an existing job and adjust the data, choose Import.

  5. To schedule the job, choose Schedule.

    The number of the job is displayed in the job number field.

  6. To change the job data for an existing or imported job, choose Change.

    Note Note

    To avoid data inconsistencies, you can only change jobs that you created in the job documentation directly in the job documentation.

    End of the note.


You have scheduled a job.