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You need to create product systems to define the scope of your maintenance projects for all involved technical systems. Things would be simple if you could install any product version (for SAP ERP or SAP CRM, for example) on a single technical system. But this would be inflexible because any reuse of installed software would be impossible. For example, it would not be possible that multiple business systems reuse one Enterprise Portal System. Product system definitions describe dependencies and reuse between technical systems. This is relevant to update the technical systems consistently and to keep the solution running. If dependencies are not regarded, incompatible software could be installed and the solution cannot work any longer.

Therefore, to enable reuse, often only certain parts of one product version are installed, and the installation is distributed over several technical systems. For more information, see the White Paper: SAP Solution Landscape at

Technical systems can automatically supply the SLDs with information about installed software by SLD data supplier (for example, with transaction RZ70 for AS ABAP). SLDs automatically synchronize this technical system data with the LMDB in SAP Solution Manager. Based on this technical system information, you create product system information in the LMDB to define landscape data that semantically describes interdependencies between technical systems. Landscape data describes how a product version is installed on different technical systems, or which technical systems build a dual-stack. One product system describes the technical systems on that selected product instances of a product version are installed. The parts of one product system must be maintained simultaneously as one unit.

For detailed descriptions of how to manage product system information in SAP Solution Manager, see the following documents:

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

Example: Product System

The graphic above shows an example for an SAP ERP product system comprising two technical systems (ERP and EP1). Two product versions are installed: the stand-alone product version SAP ERP 6.0 and the dependent add-on product version Enhancement Package (EHP) 5 for SAP ERP 6.0. The product instances SAP ECC Server and Central Applications of the product versions are installed on the Application Server (AS) ABAP technical system, the Self-Services are installed on the AS Java technical system.

Product system information comprises definitions of different, logically dependent entities:

  • Products and Product Versions

    SAP products are the applications that SAP delivers. A product groups a set of functions to solve a business need. The SAP product model (SAP software catalog) describes all SAP products. This model defines the possible product structure. A product consists of one or more product versions.

    Examples of products are SAP ERP, SAP NetWeaver, and SAP Solution Manager.

    A product version is a release of a product. It bundles the product instances and related software component versions available at the same time for a function. The bundle considers, for example, technical dependencies. Product versions typically have a name starting with “SAP …” and have characteristics like their application function and a maintenance period.

    Example: SAP ERP 6.0 is a product version of the product SAP ERP.

  • Product Instances

    A product instance is part of exactly one product version. A product instances bundles a set of software components that have to be installed as a unit. The individual software components cannot be distributed among different technical systems. The set must be installed and updated together, to reach a consistent state. (Note: In contrast to an update, patches can be applied to individual software components.) The product instances define the maximally allowed software component distribution of a product version.

    A product instance can contain other product instances. Product instances can also be re-used across products and may contain one or more software components. One product instance (and the software component versions it contains) is always installed on one technical system, so it cannot be distributed across technical systems.

  • Software Components and Software Component Versions

    Software components are always described in versions. Software components versions are the smallest entity that can be installed on a technical system. A software component version can be part of several product instances. It can require other software component versions to be installed as well. There are smaller shippable software entities than software component versions like support packages, patches, and notes. They always refer to the software component version that they change.

  • Product Systems

    Product systems bundle product instances of one or several technical systems. They are needed for maintenance and planning. One technical system can be in multiple product systems (Hub scenario), so dependencies are defined between product systems.

  • Logical Components

    Logical components describe a function, and group the systems providing this functionality in roles. When business process planners and software maintenance staff talk about systems, they are typically not concerned with the technical details and overall layout of the system implementation. The systems may not even physically exist when the logical component is created.

    For more information, see Manage Logical Components.

More Information

For introductory information about modeling SAP system landscapes for successful maintenance, see the Maintenance Planning Guide at