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 Special Features of Value Date Condition Items

When creating items for a value date condition, you must enter additional data.

  • Valid to: This date restricts the validity of a condition item. Note that for standard conditions and individual conditions, the following applies:

  • Standard condition: If, after the valid to date, you do not enter a new condition item with a later valid from date, no further calculation for the condition takes place.

  • Individual condition: If you do not enter a new condition item with a later valid from date after the valid to date, the standard condition of the condition group applies again.

  • Number of days : Here you define the number of days by which the value date is to be later or earlier (in the case of negative values) in relation to the posting date (posting date + number of days = value date).

  • Tolerance days: (Value date max) and tolerance days (value date min.): Using the fields value date max. and value date min. you can control what value dates specified by the ordering party are accepted. The basis for this comparison is the value date calculated for number of days (above).

  • Value date max: This field for the upper limit of the tolerance range indicates the maximum number of days the specified value date can be in the future.

  • Value date min: This field indicates the maximum number of days a specified value date can be in the past.

  • Shift to a working day: If the value date day determined falls on a Sunday or public holiday (determined in accordance with the public holiday calendar stored for the account), with the indicator Shift to a working day you can control if and in which direction the value date is to be shifted to the next or previous working day. When updating the value date you can specify calendar days and working days.

The following applies if you update with calendar days: If the value date falls on a public holiday, this indicator determines if and in which direction a shift to a working day is made.

0 no shift

+ shift to the next working day

- shift to the previous working day

If you update with working days (value W), value dates fall always only on the following working days. For the calculation of the tolerance limits the system also interprets the days stored as working days.