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Function documentationTime Series Types


A time series type (or Key Figure Parameter, KPRM) defines the business meaning of a particular time series; for example, consumption data, forecast without safety amount, DIF effect in forecast values. Furthermore, SAP F&R uses the time series type to manage time series in a technical way to define granularities and past horizons.


The following time series types are available in SAP F&R and used in different standard processes. The KPRMs are grouped by their business meaning and listed along with their description, short text and a brief content explanation. In addition to these predefined time series types, you can define your own time series types to use in your business processes:

  • Actual Demand: Data representing the historic demand of location products, such as consumption data or other historical data. This usually serves as the basis for forecasting.

    • CONS_DATA: Consumption Data – CDAT. This time series contains either POS sales data for stores or goods issues for distribution centers (DCs).

    • AGG_ST_ORD: Aggregated Store Orders – ASO. This time series contains an aggregate of historical order proposal quantities per product for all target locations delivered by the specified DC on the goods issue date of the DC. Target locations can be stores or subordinate DCs.

    • AGG_ST_SLS: Aggregated Store Sales – ASS. This time series contains an aggregate of consumption data per product in all target locations delivered by the specified DC. Target locations can be stores or subordinate DCs.

    • DC_AHD: DC Alternative Historical Data – AHD. This time series can be used to store customer-specific historical information other than goods issues, aggregated store orders, or aggregated store sales.

    • M_CONS_DATA: Merged Consumption Data – MCDA. This time series holds historical data for location products in substitution relationships; that is, data for the original and replacement products, or data for follow-up products in a follow-up relationship. The data is calculated according to defined merging rules and is only available for specific merging periods, based on the Customizing settings for merging.

    For more information about alternative historical time series for distribution centers, see Time Series Aggregation for Distribution Centers.

    For more information about merged consumption data, see Product Substitution.

  • Predicted Demand: Data derived from an automatic forecast process such as Forecast Without and With Safety Amount and DIF Effect, data coming from a manual planning process such as Planning Data, or special forecast information related to the Multi Echelon Replenishment (MER) scenario for DCs. The meaning of some time series depends on whether the MER scenario or Planning Data (both addressed with the term forecast replacement in the following) has been activated or not.

    • FC_MEAN: Forecast Without Safety Amount – FCST. This time series stores the regular forecast provided by the forecast calculation of FRP without considering the safety amount.

    • FC_MAX: Forecast With Safety Amount – FCX. This time series usually consists of the regular forecast provided by the forecast calculation of FRP, including an estimated safety amount. The safety amount in FC_MAX is based on the estimated forecast error and the defined service level with the assumption that the range of coverage period is one week. FC_MAX is calculated on a weekly basis and distributed to daily values according to the daily distribution of weekly FC_MEAN values. For forecast replacement data, the maximum forecast consists of a mixture of the replacement data including a safety amount with the following priorities: PLN_DATA_MAX > OPEN_GI > AGG_ORD_FC_MAX, if applicable.

    • EST_FCST_ERR: Estimated Forecast Error – EFCE. This time series contains estimated mean deviations of potential consumption values from forecasted values on a weekly basis. It is derived from the standard deviation of the normally distributed proportion of the consumption values. Plotting the EST_FCST_ERR as error bars around FC_MEAN values gives a range that can be interpreted similar to a confidence level of a normal distribution.

    • FC_DIF_EFFECT: DIF Effect in Forecast Values – DIFE. This time series gives the absolute proportion of forecast that is caused by all cumulated DIF occurrences or forecast replacement data at that time. In Customizing, you can define whether this time series should consider only regular DIF effects, only correctional DIF effects, or both.

    • ORD_FC: Order Forecast – OFC. This time series contains the predicted order proposal quantities on the planning dates of the target location product as calculated by FRP. Order quantities for future planning dates are based on the forecast with safety amount, scheduling information, projected stock, open goods receipts, open goods issues, and logistics rounding information. For the current planning date, the order forecast can consist of actual order proposal line items of the latest FRP run, existing order proposals of the current planning date and open orders within the past period for back orders.

    • ORD_FC_CPFR: Order Forecast for CPFR – OFCC. This time series contains the order forecast quantities of a product for all target locations supplied by a defined source location (vendor). The quantities refer to the goods issue date of the vendor. This time series is used for the tactical order forecast provided by Collaborative Forecasting, Planning and Replenishment (CPFR).

    • PURE_AGG_ORD_FC: Pure Aggregated Order Forecast – PAOF. This time series is an aggregate of the order forecast quantities for a product in all target location supplied by a defined source location (distribution center). The quantities refer to the goods issue date of the source location.

    • AGG_ORD_FC_MEAN: Aggregated Order Forecast Without Safety Amount – AOF. This time series consists of the PURE_AGG_ORD_FC merged with the following data with increasing priority, if applicable:

      • Correction factors of DIF occurrences of DIF type C are applied as multiplication factors

      • Additive Correction values of DIF occurrences of DIF type D are added if they are defined on a daily level (either the validity is one day or a weighting profile is assigned to the DIF occurrence)

      • Absolute Correction values of DIF occurrences of DIF type A replace the merged data if they are defined on a daily level (either the validity is one day or a weighting profile is assigned to the DIF occurrence)

      • Open Goods Issues (OPEN_GI) replace the merged data

    • AGG_ORD_FC_MAX: Aggregated Order Forecast With Safety Amount – AOFX.: This time series represents the AGG_ORD_FC_MEAN plus a percentage safety amount that can be defined in the requirement calculation profile of the source location product.

      For more information about the Aggregated Order Forecast, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) of Forecasting and Replenishment: Start of the navigation path F&R Processor Next navigation step Requirement Calculation Profile End of the navigation path

    • PLN_DATA_MEAN: This time series contains planning data that was manually maintained and saved in the time series window (in the Replenishment Workbench, for example). However, it does not include any safety amounts entered there. This time series can be inactive for simulation purposes only or active in order to replace forecast data (including a safety amount) with PLN_DATA_MAX for replenishment.

    • PLN_DATA_MAX: Planning Data With Safety Amount – PLDX. This time series gives the PLN_DATA_MEAN values entered in the time series window (in the Replenishment Workbench, for example). If a safety amount was entered there, it will also be included in this time series. This time series can be inactive for simulation purposes only or active in order to replace forecast data (including a safety amount) with PLN_DATA_MAX for replenishment.

    • ACTIVE_FC_MEAN: Active Forecast Without Safety Amount – AFC. This time series indicates the forecast without safety amount actually used for replenishment. Normally it is equal to FC_MEAN, but for time periods when forecast replacement data has to be considered, FC_MEAN will be merged with the following data with increasing priority:



      It is not stored, but always built up on request.

    • ACTIVE_FC_MAX: Active Forecast with Safety Amount – AFCX. This time series indicates the forecast with safety amount actually used for replenishment. The safety amount for FC_MEAN is only an estimated value based on the assumption that the range of coverage period is one week. It can differ from the one actually used in requirement calculation. Normally it is equal to FC_MAX, but for time periods when forecast replacement data has to be considered, FC_MAX will be merged with the following data with increasing priority:

      • AGG_ORD_FC_MAX

      • PLN_DATA_MAX

      It is not stored, but always built up on request.

    • FC_WO_PLD_MEAN: Active Forecast Without Planning Data Without Safety Amount – AFO. This time series has the same meaning as ACTIVE_FC_MEAN but doesn’t consider PLN_DATA_MEAN. It serves as optional basis for the stock projection. It is not stored, but always built up on request using the following time series with increasing priority:

      • FC_MEAN

      • AGG_ORD_FC_MEAN, if applicable

    • FC_WO_PLD_MAX: Active Forecast Without Planning Data With Safety Amount – AFOX. This time series has the same meaning as ACTIVE_FC_MAX but doesn’t consider PLN_DATA_MAX. It serves as optional basis for the stock projection. It is not stored, but always built up on request using the following time series with increasing priority:

      • FC_MAX

      • AGG_ORD_FC_MAX, if applicable.

    • HFCSTPER1: N Step Ahead Forecast – NFCT. This time series is used by Analytics to store the FC_MEAN which was calculated n weeks ago in order to check the quality of the forecast of n weeks ahead. (N is usually 2 weeks).

    • HFCSTPER2: M Step Ahead Forecast – MFCT. This time series is used by Analytics to store the FC_MEAN which was calculated m weeks ago in order to check the quality of the forecast of m weeks ahead. (M is usually 4 weeks).

  • DIF (Demand Influencing Factor): Data that can be used as Demand Influencing Factors (DIFs) of the DIF type ‘Time Series’ (T).

    • AGG_ORD_FC_DIF: Aggregated Order Forecast as DIF – AOFD. This time series is equal to PURE_AGG_ORD_FC; however, it needs to be built up outside FRP so that it can be used as a DIF of DIF type T for DC replenishment (Multi-Echelon Replenishment in a wider sense).

    • AGG_STORE_FC: Aggregated Store Forecast Without Safety Amount – ASF. This time series is the aggregate of the FC_MEAN time series for all target location products delivered by a source location. If the forecast data is not available (especially for past time periods), consumption data is taken instead. It can be used as a DIF of DIF type T for DC replenishment.

    • GEN_DIF1: Generic DIF Time Series 1 - DIF1: This time series can consist of any data that is to be used as DIFs of DIF type T. The time series then contains the DIF values as ‘external data’ instead of the DIF values that can usually be assigned directly to metric DIF occurrences. You need to fill the time series values using the time series interface or customer-specific programs.

    • GEN_DIF2: Generic DIF Time Series 2 - DIF2. See GEN_DIF1 above.

    • GEN_DIF3: Generic DIF Time Series 3 - DIF3. See GEN_DIF1 above.

  • Orders: Data originating from order proposal documents such as goods receipts or open goods issues for DCs. The data is not stored persistently in the time series, but is always built up on request, based on existing order proposals.

    • GOODS_REC: Goods Receipts – GR. This time series contains already delivered goods receipt quantities for a target location product at the goods receipt date.

    • OPEN_GI: Open Goods Issues – OGI: This time series contains the open order proposal quantities of products to be issued by a source location. It considers only open order proposal items that are replenishment-relevant for the target location (replenishment relevance indicator 1 and 3) for the following horizons:

      • Past horizon = number of back order periods for goods receipts for the location type of the target location; that is, the goods receipts date has to be within the past periods for back orders

      • Future horizon = Order Proposal Horizon in Requirement Calculation profile

    • PLND_GI: Planned Goods Issues – PGI. This time series contains open order proposal quantities for all target location products delivered by the supplying location (DC) that are replenishment-relevant for the supplying location (replenishment relevance indicator 2 or 3). Moreover, it also considers goods issues within the past horizon for back orders.

    • PLND_GR: Planned Goods Receipts – PGR. This time series contains open order proposal quantities for target locations on the goods receipts date that are replenishment-relevant for the target location (replenishment relevancy indicator 1 or 3). Moreover, it also considers goods receipts within the past horizon for back orders.

    • HIST_ORD: Historical Store Orders – HSO. This time series is an aggregate of all undeleted order proposal quantities for all target location products delivered by a defined distribution center and referring to the goods issue date of the source location. It serves to build up AGG_ST_ORD.

    For more information about the past horizon for back orders, see the Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) of Forecasting and Replenishment under Start of the navigation path Order Proposal Management Next navigation step Order Proposal Configuration Settings Next navigation step Define Back Order Configuration. End of the navigation path

  • Stock: Data representing current and projected stock information (into the past or into the future) such as stock today and stock projection. The data is not stored persistently in the time series, but is always built up on request.

    • STOCK_TODAY: Stock at the Beginning of Today – STTD. The time series usually gives the actual stock figure of the logistic inventory management (LIME). It is interpreted as the stock at the start of today's date. If the last stock update is not up-to-date, a projected stock for the current day will be calculated.

    • STOCK_EVOL: Stock Projection – SP. This time series is calculated on request for past, current, or future stock figures based on STOCK_TODAY, CONS_DATA, GOODS_REC, FC_MEAN, PLND_GI, and PLND_GR.