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Object documentationHierarchy


Hierarchies are used to model the relationships between master data objects of an object type (SAP F&R uses object types product and Location).


Once you have created a hierarchy structure in Customizing for structure types hierarchy and extended hierarchy, you can transfer the hierarchies to SAP F&R through the interface or create them manually. You can then change and delete them in hierarchy maintenance. To maintain hierarchies manually, go to the SAP Easy Access screen and choose Start of the navigation path Forecasting and Replenishment Next navigation step Master Data Next navigation step Maintain Hierarchy End of the navigation path.

  • You can create extended hierarchies for object type Location, such as DIF location hierarchies. For more information, see Location Group.

  • You can create hierarchies for object type product, such as material category hierarchies. You cannot use extended hierarchies here. For more information, see Product Hierarchy.