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Choosing by ContentLocate this document in the navigation structure


If you are working with large tables, you can reduce the amount of data which is presented in the maintenance transaction by generating table extracts.

  1. Choose Start of the navigation path Selection Next navigation step By Content... End of the navigation path.


    If you are using this function for the first time since you logged on without having used the Enter Conditions function on the extended table maintenance initial screen, you are now asked in a dialog box to specify the fields to which you want to apply selection criteria.

  2. In the Choose: By Contents dialog box, enter selection criteria for all of the fields displayed.

  3. When you carry out the Continue function.

    The required subextract is displayed.

  4. Carry out your modifications in the usual way.

  5. You can return to the general overview of your data using the Back function.

Changing selection criteria

If you want to change the selection criteria applied, you can use the following functions:

New selection:

This function allows you to abandon the current selection criteria and start again. The previous selection criteria are lost.

  1. Proceed to the Choose: By Contents dialog box.

  2. Press Shift + F2.

  3. Choose the fields for which you wish to apply selection criteria.

  4. Carry out your selection as described above.

Insert line:

This function allows you to insert additional selection criteria.

  1. Proceed to the Choose: By Contents dialog box.

  2. Place the cursor at the position where you want to insert the new selection criterion.

  3. Choose the Insert Line function.

  4. Choose the fields for which you want to insert additional selection criteria and press ENTER.

  5. Carry out your selection as described above.

Delete Row:

  1. Proceed to the Choose: By Contents dialog box.

  2. Mark the selection criterion which you wish to delete.

  3. Choose the Delete function.

  4. Carry out your selection as described above.


  1. Proceed to the Choose: By Contents dialog box.

  2. Choose the Attach function.

  3. Choose the fields for which you want to insert additional selection criteria and press ENTER.

  4. Carry out your selection as described above.


  1. Proceed to the Choose: By Contents dialog box.

  2. Mark the line which you wish to move.

  3. Place the cursor on the line before which you wish to insert the line which you are moving.

  4. Move the line by choosing Move.