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Displaying Extracts From TablesLocate this document in the navigation structure


Extended table maintenance allows you to work with various subsets of the table entries. This makes it easier to work with large tables, and helps you to keep checks on the modifications you are making in the table.

You can generate the following subsets:


Menu path

See also

Selecting by contents

Start of the navigation path Choose Next navigation step By Content... End of the navigation path

Choose by Content

All selected entries

Start of the navigation path Choose Next navigation step All Selected Entries End of the navigation path

Choose All Selected Entries

All changed entries

Start of the navigation path Choose Next navigation step All Changed Entries End of the navigation path

Undoing changes

All added entries

Start of the navigation path Choose Next navigation step All Created Entries End of the navigation path

Undoing changes

All deleted entries

Start of the navigation path Choose Next navigation step Dispaly Deleted Entries End of the navigation path

Undoing changes

All entries in the transport request

Start of the navigation path Choose Next navigation step All in Request End of the navigation path

Edit a transport request

All entries not in the transport request

Start of the navigation path Choose Next navigation step All Not in Request End of the navigation path

Editing a Transport Request