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Extended table maintenance first saves all modifications internally and only writes then to the database when you explicitly save your data. This, consequently, allows you to undo changes to data records which you have made since the last time you saved to the database.

Undoing Changes

  1. Choose Start of the navigation path Choose Next navigation step All Changed Entries End of the navigation path in the maintenance transaction.

    You will see a list of all changed entries.


    If you only changed one entry and you are working in a dual-level maintenance screen (overview and detail), the detail screen is shown straight away. The entry is already considered to be selected.

  2. Select the entries for which you wish to undo changes.

  3. Choose Start of the navigation path Edit Next navigation step Undo Changes End of the navigation path.

    When you choose this function, the original entry is read from the database and is used to overwrite the changes you made.

  4. A dialog box appears. Confirm that you wish to undo your changes.

Undoing Deletions

  1. In the extended table maintenance transaction choose Start of the navigation path Choose Next navigation step Display Del. Entries End of the navigation path.

    You will see a list of all deleted table entries.


    If you only deleted one table entry and are working in a dual level maintenance screen (overview and detail) the detail screen is shown straight away. The entry is already considered to be selected.

  2. Select the entries for which you wish to undo the deletion.

  3. Click on the Retrieve icon.

Undoing New Entries

  1. Choose Start of the navigation path Choose Next navigation step All Created Entries End of the navigation path in the extended table maintenance transaction.

    You will see a list of all created table entries.


    If you only created one new table entry and are working in a dual level maintenance transaction (overview and detail), the detail screen is shown straight away. The entry is already considered to be selected.

  2. The entry is already considered to be selected.

  3. Choose Start of the navigation path Edit Next navigation step Delete End of the navigation path.