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Function documentationCreating Order Proposal Items (PWB)


You can use this function to create new order proposal items for location products in the Selected Location Products screen of the Product Workbench. You create either a new item for an existing, suitable order proposal (see "Prerequisites") or a new order proposal.


When you enter data in one of the following modifiable fields, the system automatically updates the dependent data:

  • When you change the order proposal quantity, the system carries out the following changes and checks:

    • It sets the order unit (if it is still blank) to the standard order unit of the specified source location. If rounding is active, SAP F&R automatically rounds the entered quantity to the corresponding rounding unit.

    • It shows the unit of measure with the conversion factor from the order unit (OU) to the base unit of measure (base UoM), for example, OU 20 boxes to base UoM 200 pieces.

    • It sets the dependent date values with reference to the current date: Planning date, release date, order date, goods issue date, delivery date, availability date.

    • It sets the replenishment relevance (if it is still blank) to 1 (relevant for goods receipt for automatic replenishment in the receiving location).

    • If contract determination type number determination is set in Customizing, it sets the contract number to the result of contract determination and displays the assigned contract and/or potentially selectable contracts.

    • It checks whether a temporary replenishment block exists for manual planning on the planning date for the location product (at the level of the location, location product, product). If so, the system issues a message in the F&R application log.

    • It updates the stock value in the order unit.

    • It updates the purchasing value and sales value.

    • A symbol appears in the Save as Order Proposal Item column (with the quick info Save OPI) to indicate that saving is necessary.

    • Any exceptions (such as those generated during contract determination) appear in the F&R application log.

  • When you change the order proposal quantity, the system carries out the following changes and checks:

    • It shows the unit of measure with the conversion factor from the order unit (OU) to the base unit of measure (base UoM), for example, OU 20 boxes to base UoM 200 pieces.

    • It updates the stock value in the order unit.

    • If the order quantity > 0 and contract determination type number determination is set in Customizing, it updates the contract number with the result of contract determination.

    • A symbol appears in the Save as Order Proposal Item column to indicate that saving is necessary.

  • When you change the delivery date, the system carries out the following changes and checks:

    • It checks that the specified delivery date does not lie in the past and automatically calculates the dependent date values: Planning date, release date, order date, goods issue date, availability date.

    • It checks whether a temporary replenishment block for manual planning (level: location, location product, product) exists for the location product on the planning date – SAP F&R calculates this from the entered delivery date. If so, the system issues a message in the F&R application log.

    • It checks whether the location product is listed as of the entered delivery date. If not, the system issues a message in the F&R application log and displays the next possible delivery date in a separate dialog box.

    • It checks whether the dependent date values for the entered delivery date can be met. If the calculated planning date lies in the past or scheduling calculates a different delivery date, SAP F&R opens a dialog box where can enter the corresponding date values manually.

    • If the contract number is specified, the system checks whether that contract is valid for the planning date and source of supply. If not, it deletes the value. If no contract number has been entered and contract determination type number determination is set in Customizing, the system updates the contract number with the result of contract determination..

    • A symbol appears in the Save as Order Proposal Item column to indicate that saving is necessary.

  • If you adopt a different source of supply, the system overwrites the input fields (including the order proposal quantity), deletes the dependent data for the source of supply, and updates the following data – again, dependent on the source of supply selected in the dialog:

    • Source location

    • Purchasing organization

    • Consignment indicator

    • Source of supply category (internal or external)

    • Vendor subrange

    • Standard order unit

      (and fields dependent on the standard order unit, such as stock the standard order unit)


  • You have fulfilled the prerequisites for Displaying and Maintaining Data for Selected Location Products.

  • For the system to propose a suitable order proposal for a new order proposal item you want to create for a location product, the order proposal must meet the following criteria:

    • It has not been released yet

    • It is not blocked by another user (SAP F&R displays the lock type in the lock information for the order proposal)

    • The location product is not used yet in the selected order proposal

    • The source and destination locations are identical to those of the location product


  • You can change the order proposal quantity for the location product, along with the data listed below, and create an order proposal item in an existing or new order proposal when you save this data (for information about updating the other dependent data, see "Integration"):

    • Order proposal quantity

      The system rounds the order proposal quantity automatically according to the defined rounding information. For more information about rounding, see Requirement Quantity Optimization (RQO).

      Recommendation Recommendation

      We recommend always entering an order proposal quantity first, as this sets the dependent data.

      End of the recommendation.
    • Order unit

      SAP F&R sets this field to the standard order unit (not the alternative unit of measure) for the specified source location.

    • Delivery date

    • Relevance for replenishment

      This flag indicates whether and where (in the delivery location and receiving location, for example) the order proposal item is relevant for automatic replenishment.

    • Reason for change

      If your Customizing settings require a reason for change, you have to enter one when you change the order proposal.

    • Contract number

      If your Customizing settings allow changes to this value, you can enter or change a contract number manually. The system checks your entry for validity and resets any invalid entries.

    • Display an assigned contract or existence of a contract

      If contract determination type "Number Determination" or "Existence Determination" is set in Customizing, SAP F&R performs automatic contract determination as of the planning date (the current date if this field is blank) when you make an entry in one of the modifiable fields. The system indicates the subsequent determination results with symbols.

      • If a valid contract number is assigned, you can display the corresponding contract data in a dialog box.

      • If existence determination is active, the system checks whether a potentially valid contract exists. For more information, see Using Contract Information in Order Proposal Items.

    • Select a different source of supply

      For more information, see General Functions in the OPM Workbenches.

  • There are several ways you can save the changed data for the selected location product:

    • Line-specific saving (function call in a line of the section)

      The system creates an order proposal item for a location product, in either an existing order proposal or a new one. In the process, the system checks whether an order proposal exists for the selected supply location (source location to destination location) that does not yet contain the location product. If a suitable order proposal exists, the system adds the selected location product to it. If the system finds several suitable order proposals, you can select one of them in a dialog box. If no suitable order proposal is available, the system creates a new one with the location product.

      Note Note

      When you create or change an order proposal item, the system automatically determines the planning-relevant data (such as the delivery date).

      End of the note.
    • Save locally (at the section level)

      If you save the changed data in the toolbar of the Selected Location Products section, the system creates one or more product proposals, in accordance with the grouping criteria defined in Customizing.

    • Save globally (at the worklist level)

      The global save function in the application toolbar (directly beneath the menu bar) saves changes to the following sections at the same time:

      • Selected Location Products

      • Order Proposals for Location Product

      • Time Series for Location Product

      The global save has the same effect as a local save in the individual sections.

      Note Note

      • Once SAP F&R has generated the order proposals, the system clears the input fields in the Selected Location Products overview screen, and therefore clears the dependent fields of the involved location product as well.

      • The order proposals that were just created or changed (with a new item in the latter case) do not appear immediately in the Order Proposals for Location Product screen. They only appear when the focus is on the affected location product.

      End of the note.


  1. You enter the order proposal quantity and the other data, and then save your entries. The system updates the dependent data and creates a new order proposal item.

  2. To process an order proposal further, focus on that order proposal in the Order Proposals for Location Product section and change its values. For more information, see Displaying and Processing Order Proposals for Location Products