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Function documentation Undoing Data Changes  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


Executing planning functions causes data of the planning package to be changed, generated again or deleted. When testing newly created fuctions and the corresponding parameter groups (in particular the Customizing phase) data changes may occur unintentionally.


Note that double-clicking on the parameter group of a planning function causes the immediate execution of the function, while a double-click on all other planning objects merely displays the detail screen of the object.

To undo unintentional changes if necessary you have the following options within the BW-BPS planning environment:

      You can exit the planning session without saving. This means that all changes (both to data as well as to the planning objects, such as planning levels and functions) which you have made since saving the last time will be lost.

      You can deliberately undo the data changes which were caused by the last execution of a planning function. All remaining changes that you have executed during the current planning session are not affected. You will find more information on these options in this section.


In order to be able to undo changes to data you must not have performed the following activities since executing the function that is to be reversed.

      You have not executed any further planning functions.

      You have not navigated to any other element (such as, for example, displaying a planning area or changing a parameter group) within the planning environment.


When undoing data changes, the system restores the status for transaction data which it had before the planning function was executed. You can see the effects of the function in the following table for sample operating processes. The following cases are to be decided between with regard to manual changes:


       1.      The function to be undone was executed after a manual data change.

       2.      The function to be undone was executed before a manual data change.

1. Behavior when undoing a function after manual change

Data origin or interaction step


1.  Persistently saved value from database


2.  Manual change in planning layout


3.  Overwriting change by copy function


4.  Undoing planning function


5.  Manual change in planning layout


6.  Navigation to other planning object


7.  Overwriting change by copy function


8.  Undoing planning function


After the last executed planning function was undone (step 4 and 8), the system restores the value which resulted from the manual change of data before executing the undone function.

2. Behavior when undoing a function which follows a manual change

Data origin or interaction step


1.   Persistently saved value from database


2.   Overwriting change by copy function


3.   Manual change in planning layout


4.   Undoing planning function


The system does not take manual changes that have been made in the mean time into account. The data is restored in the form in which it was before executing a planning function – independent of whether manual changes were made in the mean time.


Proceed as follows to undo the last executed planning function:


       1.      Choose Edit Undo Planning Function.

The system reports that the planning function will be undone.

       2.      Confirm the message.

If you have opened a planning layout in which the affected data is displayed, you will immediately see the original data restored by the undo.



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