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Object documentation Text  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


Web item that allows simple texts, characteristic names, and generic text elements (for example, last changed by, key date of the query, query name, and so on) to be displayed in Web applications. Since the texts are language-dependent, the text is automatically displayed in the logon language.


The following information lists the parameters for the Text Web item, arranged according to the various parameter groupings.




Width in Pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to specify the width of the Web item.

Height in Pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to specify the height of the Web item.

Visibility (VISIBILITY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Web item is to be visible in the Web application.

With Tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Web item is to be displayed with an icon that allows it to be expanded and collapsed. For more information about this parameter, see Parameter Tray.

Internal Display



Quick Info (TOOLTIP)

You use this parameter and the text input dialog to specify a quick info text. See also Text Input Dialog.


You use this parameter to specify the color of the text. The text can be displayed as follows:

      Default (DEFAULT)

The text is displayed in black by default.

      Diminished (DIMINISHED)

The text is displayed in gray by default.

      Positive (POSITIVE)

The text is displayed in green by default.

      Critical (CRITICAL)

The text is displayed in orange by default.

      Negative (NEGATIVE)

The text is displayed in red by default.

      Marked1 (MARKED1)

The text is highlighted by default.

      Marked2 (MARKED2)

The text is highlighted by default.

Note that the display of colors depends on the BEx theme selected.


You use this parameter to specify the design of the text in the Web application. The text can be displayed as follows:

      Standard (STANDARD)

      Emphasized (EMPHASIZED)

      Small Label (LABEL_SMALL)

      Label (LABEL)

      Header1 (HEADER1)

      Header2 (HEADER2)

      Header3 (HEADER3)

      Header4 (HEADER4)

      Legend (LEGEND)

      Reference (REFERENCE)

      Monospace (MONOSPACE)


You use this parameter to specify whether a line break is to be inserted when a text exceeds the width of the Web item (see WIDTH parameter).

Display Text Only (RENDER_AS_TEXT)

You use this parameter to specify whether the text is to be displayed without formatting. This option enables you to specify formatting that is not supported directly by the Web item (such as alignment or background color).


To ensure the correctness of the XHTML, the output is placed between <div> tags. We recommend to insert the Web item between <span> tags so that you can define your own formatting values.






You use this parameter to specify whether navigation or other interaction is to be possible in the Web application.

Data Binding



Text Binding (TEXT_BINDING)

You use this parameter to specify the content of the Text Web item.

      Simple Text (TEXT_CONTENT)

Using the text input dialog, you specify a simple text as the content of the Web item. See Text Input Dialog.


You specify a characteristic whose text is to be displayed as the content of the Web item.

To do this, you select a Data Provider (DATA_PROVIDER_REF) and a Characteristic (CHARACTERISTIC) using the technical name.

      General Text Elements (GENERIC_TEXT_BINDING)

You specify which generic text elements of a data provider are to be displayed. To do this, you first select a data provider and then the required text elements:

      Query Name (QUERY)

      Query Description (QUERY_DESCRIPTION)

      InfoProvider Name (INFOPROVIDER)

      InfoProvider Description (INFOPROVIDER_DESCRIPTION)

      Last Data Update (ROLLUPTIME)

      Key Date (QUERY_KEYDATE)

      Author (AUTHOR)

      Changed At (CHANGED_AT)

      Changed By (CHANGED_BY)

      Current User (CURRENT_USER)

      Last Refresh (LAST_REFRESHED)

      Web Template (TEMPLATE)

      System (SYSTEM)

      Last Data Refresh (ROLLUPTIME_MAX)

      Main Object Name (MAIN_OBJECT_NAME)

You can display the main object in the template properties. This allows you, for example, to define the report or query as the main object for generic default Web templates.

      Description of Main Object Name (MAIN_OBJECT_DESRIPTION)

See the text element Main Object Name.




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