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Function documentation Manual Data Entry  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


After manual data entry, the system recalculates the totals and Excel formulas. You are also able to use Copy&Paste, with one restriction: In order to paste an area that contains a total, this area can only contain one totals cell. The reason for this is that the cell values of an area can be inconsistent if this area contains totals and basic key figures. In that case, it is not clear whether the basic key figures determine the totals values or vice versa.  


Automatic sign assignment does not work with the local functions because Microsoft Excel does not have any information on the settings in the planning layout that are affected. If automatic sign assignment is used, the system simply treats the affected totals as carryforward. Automatic sign assignment only works if all signs are consistent. Microsoft Excel calculates totals once using the displayed values.


Columns/rows with time-related key figures are ignored by local functions.




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