Use this window to define the fiscal IDs of the company.
To open this window, do one of the following:
Choose (Browse) for Fiscal IDs.
tab. Then, clickChoose (Browse) for Fiscal IDs.
. On the Address tab, select a ship-to address and clickSpecify the CNAE code. Note This field does not appear in the Fiscal IDs window for marketing documents. End of the note. |
Specify the 14-digit Cadastro Nacional de Pessoas Jurídicas (CNPJ) number of the company using the format in this example: 54.651.716/0011-50 Duplicated CNPJs are not allowed in SAP Business One. For example, you can not create two customers with the same CNPJ 54.651.716/0011-50. But you can create a vendor and a customer with the same CNPJ. For example, you create a vendor with CNPJ 54.651.716/0011-50 and a customer with the same CNPJ 54.651.716/0011-50. |
Specify the company Inscrição Estadual (I.E.) number. |
Displays Isento in the I.E. field. Note Selecting this option disables the I.E. field. End of the note. |
Specify the companyInscrição Estadual Substituto Tributário (I.E.S.T.) number. |
Specify the company Inscrição Municipal (I.M.) number. |
Specify the 11-digit Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF) number of the company using the format in the example: 163.709.278-48. Duplicated CPFs are not allowed in SAP Business One. For example, you can not create two customers with the same CPF 02.808.708/0001–07. But you can create a vendor with the same CPF. For example, you create a vendor with CPF 163.709.278 - 48 and a customers with the same CPF 163.709.278 - 48. |
Specify the foreigner ID. |
Provide the foreigner description. |
Specify the Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social - Fonte (INSS) inscription. |
Specify the Suframa. |
A newly created marketing document contains the same fiscal ID data as that found in