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Object documentationItem Master Data: General Area Locate this document in the navigation structure


Use the General area to enter, search, and maintain general information relevant for all item types.

Note Note

This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.

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Item Master Data, General Area Fields
Bar Code

To select a bar code, click Choose from List (Choose from List) to open the List of Bar Codes window, which displays all bar codes available for the inventory UoM of this item. The selected bar code will be the default bar code associated with the inventory UoM, which is displayed on the right side of the bar code.

If you have not created any bar code for the inventory UoM of this item, you will not see any bar code in the List of Bar Codes window.

To create bar codes for the item, on the right side of the field, click Browse (Browse) to open the Bar Codes window. For more information, see Creating Bar Codes.

Once you define a default bar code for the inventory UoM, that code is updated to the Bar Code field.

Note Note

When the UoM group is Manual, there is no concept of inventory UoM, so the bar code displayed in this field is the default bar code for the specific item. Once you define a default bar code for the single UoM “Manual” in the Bar Codes window, the default bar code is updated to this field. You can change the default bar code either from the choose from list or from the Bar Codes window.

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Note Note

SAP Business One supports the International Article Number (EAN) 13 and Code 39 formats. However, it is possible to print any other type of bar code.

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Desc. in Foreign Lang.

Enter a description of the item in a foreign language. You can copy this name to documents for business partners that use other languages.

Item Type

Select one of the following:

  • Items – to define as an SAP Business One item.

  • Labor – to use in the Service module to calculate the amount of time spent completing a task.

  • Travel – to use in the Service module to calculate the amount of time the technician spends traveling.

Item Group

Arrange the items into groups. Assign an item to one group only. Use the Item Group later for reports and evaluations.

UoM Group

From the dropdown list, select a UoM group for the item, or click Choose from List (Choose from List) to open the List of UoM Groups window, and then select a UoM group.

To view the UoM group definition or update the UoM group, click Link Arrow (Link Arrow) to open the Unit of Measurement Groups – <Group> – Setup window.

The UoM group is Manual by default. When you select an item group, the UoM group is automatically updated to the default UoM group of that item group.

When you select a UoM group other than Manual, the base UoM of this UoM group is automatically set as the inventory UoM, purchasing UoM and sales UoM.

Note Note

If you perform any transaction with this item, you can no longer change its UoM group.

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Price List

Select a price list to enter a price for an item in the particular price list.

Unit Price

Enter the price after you select one of the following price list currency options:

  • Primary Currency - the default price

  • Additional Currency 1

  • Additional Currency 2

For more information about the currency options, see Price Lists.

Note Note

The price you enter in this field, in any of the above currency options, is the price for the item inventory UoM. To set prices for other UoMs of the item, select the three dots pushbutton to display the [Price List Name] - UoM Prices window.

The three dots pushbutton is enabled only for items that have a UoM group other than Manual.

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Inventory Item, Sales Item, Purchase Item

Select to indicate the category to which the item belongs. This is default data that is defined at the Item Group level and is automatically copied to items in that group.

Inventory Item enables you to use the item in inventory management. For example, you can perform inventory transactions, such as inventory transfers, only for inventory items. If you define the item as inventory only, you cannot sell or purchase it.

Note Note

To define an item as non-inventory, deselect the Inventory Item checkbox. Items such as services, electricity or labor costs are typical non-inventory items. The additional costs resulting from such non-inventory items are included in the production order. Non-inventory items must use the standard evaluation method and have an expense account (unless it is an item group).

When you define an item as non-inventory, on the Item Master Data: Inventory Data Tab, you can define the valuation method as standard, and set an item cost for that item. Then, when you base the gross profit on the item cost, the base prices for non-inventory items are included in the calculation of gross profit.

You can change an inventory item to non-inventory, or the opposite, provided that:

  • No transactions have been posted for the item

  • There are no documents for the item, that is, sales quotation, sales order, purchase order, A/R or A/P down payment request, or draft

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Note Note

Serial or Batch items cannot be defined as non-inventory.

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A Sales Item is sold to a customer. For example, you can create a sales order for a customer if you have defined the item as sales. Services that are neither purchased nor kept in stock belong to this category.

A Purchase Item is bought from a vendor. For example, you can create a purchase order if you have defined the item as purchase.

By default the item is a combination of three categories. These values change depending on the item type you have selected.

Fixed Assets

Select to define an item as a fixed asset; that is, an item that you use internally in your company.

For more information, see Fixed Assets.