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Object documentationBatch Allocation in Bin Locations Window Locate this document in the navigation structure


When you receive batch items that are managed on release only, you can allocate the items to the bin locations of your warehouse without having to specify the batch information right away. Later, you can add the batch information for these items using batch management, and link each batch to its corresponding bin locations using this window.

To access this window, proceed as follows:

  1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose   Inventory   Item Management   Batches   Batch Management  .

    The Batch Management - Selection Criteria window opens.

  2. In the Operation field, select Complete from the dropdown list.

  3. Specify other selection criteria and choose OK.

    The Batch Management - Complete window opens.

  4. In the Rows from Documents table, select the row with the base receipt document for which you want to complete the batch information.

  5. In the Created Batches table, specify the batches and quantities. Then clickLink Arrow (Link Arrow) in the Bin Location Allocation field.

General Area
Batch No.

Displays the number of the batch which you specified in the Batch Management - Complete window.

Row No.

Displays the number of the row in the Batch Management - Complete window where you specified the batch.

Warehouse Code

Displays the code of the warehouse where the batch is located.

Item No.

Displays the number of the batch item.


Displays the item quantity of the batch that you specified in the Batch Management - Complete window.

Total Allocated

Displays how many items in the bin locations you have allocated to the batch.

The quantity is the sum of all quantities you have specified in the Allocated field in the table.


Displays how many items you still need to allocate to the batch.

The quantity is calculated with the following formula:

Remaining = QuantityTotal Allocated.

Automatic Allocation

To let SAP Business One allocate the items in bin locations to batches automatically, choose the pushbutton and select one of the following options from the opened list:

  • Remaining – The system allocates the remaining quantity from the bin locations in the table if the remaining quantity is not zero.

    The system starts allocating the remaining quantity from the first bin location in the table. If the remaining quantity is greater than the Total to Allocate quantity in the first bin location, the system allocates the rest from the second and the following bin locations.

    Note Note

    When you select any of the following five options, SAP Business One clears the current allocations and re-allocates the item from bin locations according to the method you select.

    End of the note.
  • Single Choice – The system allocates the item from bin locations using the single choice method.

    Single choice is a method of allocating items from bin locations when there is only one way of doing so. If there is more than one way to allocate the item, the single choice method is not effective.

    For more information, see Automatic Bin Location Allocation in Issues.

  • Bin Location Code Order – The system allocates the item from bin locations according to the alphanumeric order of the bin location codes.

  • Alternative Sort Code Order – The system allocates the item from bin locations according to the alphanumeric order of the bin locations' alternative sort codes.

  • Descending Quantity – The system allocates the item from bin locations according to the descending order of the item quantity in the bin locations.

  • Ascending Quantity – The system allocates the item from bin locations according to the ascending order of the item quantity in the bin locations.

Clear Allocations

To clear all allocations, choose the pushbutton.

Table Area
Bin Location

Displays the bin locations you have appointed in the base receipt document for storing the item.

Total to Allocate

Displays how many units of the item have been received at the bin location through the base receipt document.

Eventually, you must assign all the received items in the bin location to batches.


Displays how many units of the item in the bin location are still not allocated to batches.


Specify how many units of the item in the bin location you want to allocate to the batch.

To quickly allocate the remaining quantity, place your cursor in this field and do either of the following:

  • Press Ctrl + B on your keyboard.

  • Right-click and select Copy Remaining from the context menu.