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Object documentationReconciliation Window Locate this document in the navigation structure


This window lists the transaction rows to be reconciled on the debit and credit sides, together with the reconciliation recommendations generated according to the selection criteria and parameters defined in the BP Internal Reconciliation – Selection Criteria window for Semi-Automatic reconciliation

Reconciliation Window

The business partner for whom the reconciliation is performed.

Reconciliation Currency

If the currency of the specified business partner is either local currency or all currencies, the reconciliation currency is the local currency. If one of the foreign currencies was specified for the business partner, the reconciliation currency is the foreign currency. This field is in read-only mode.

Open Transactions on Debit Side

List of transactions with unreconciled amounts greater than zero on the debit side.

Trans. No.

The journal entry number as it appears in the field Trans. No. in the Journal Entry window.

Posting/Due/Document Date

The posting date, due date, or document date of this transaction row, depending on which value you specified in the BP Internal Reconciliation – Selection Criteria window

Ref. 1/Ref. 2/Ref. 3

Reference 1, 2, or 3, of the transaction row displayed, depends on the reference specified in the BP Internal Reconciliation – Selection Criteria window.

Balance Due

The amount still to be reconciled. If the transaction was partially reconciled previously, this amount is smaller than the original amount posted in the transaction.

Open Transactions on Credit Side

List of transactions with unreconciled amounts greater than zero on the credit side.

Trans. No.

The journal entry number as it appears in the field Trans. No. in the Journal Entry window.

Posting/Due/Document Date

The posting date, due date, or document date of this transaction row, depending on which value you specified in the BP Internal Reconciliation – Selection Criteria window

Ref. 1/Ref. 2/Ref. 3

Reference 1, 2, or 3, of the transaction row displayed, depends on the reference specified in the BP Internal Reconciliation – Selection Criteria window.

Balance Due

The amount still to be reconciled. If the transaction was partially reconciled previously, this amount is smaller than the original amount posted in the transaction.

Payment Order Run

If the checkbox is selected, it indicates that this document is included in a payment order run.

Ignore Negative Amounts

When selected, it is impossible to display recommendations for transactions with negative amounts, and once you double click such transaction, the error message “Negative row can not be selected” is displayed.


Enables you to manually reconcile the transactions of the selected business partner by opening the Internal Reconciliation window with the business partner’s data.