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Object documentationLanded Costs: Costs Tab Locate this document in the navigation structure


Use this tab to allocate landed costs to the various items according to specific criteria, for example volume, weight, or quantity.

Note Note

To ensure that landed costs are allocated correctly when you choose to allocate by weight or volume, each item master data record of imported items should contain the item's volume, weight, and customs group.

End of the note.

However, you do not have to specify an amount for each landed costs type. Enter only the amounts relevant to the specific shipment you are handling at the time.

The tab consists of two subtabs: Fixed Costs and Variable Costs. If your company manages a perpetual inventory system, the Variable Costs subtab is disabled.

To access the tab, choose   Purchasing A/P   Landed Costs   Costs  .

Note Note

This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.

End of the note.
Fixed Costs Subtab Fields
Landed Costs

Landed costs name, as defined in the Landed Costs – Setup window.

Allocation By

Allocation method as defined in the Landed Costs – Setup window for each landed cost.


Amount of expenditures to be distributed on lines.

When the landed costs document is based on another landed costs document, this field represents the final invoice amount. That is, the amount difference between the base and the final amount is calculated and posted.

Include for Customs

Specify whether the associated landed cost is allowed for customs calculation and should thus be included in the actual customs duty calculation and allocation.

Example Example

In some circumstances when a company calculates customs duty for transportation, the company does not have to pay customs on the full cost incurred for the transportation, for example, a company in the European Union (EU) that imports goods from Asia. The goods' initial point of transportation (point of first shipment) is from outside the EU, so the company has to pay customs duty on the non-EU portion, but is not subject to paying duty on the proportion of transport incurred inside the EU. In other words, some portion of the transportation cost is allowed to be included in the customs calculation, whilst another portion is exempted.

However, all the transportation cost, whether included for customs or not, is allocated to the inventory value.

End of the example.

If any part of the cost is disallowed, we recommend splitting the costs into the allowed and the disallowed parts when you record the A/P service invoice, for example, for the freight invoice.

If you select the Include for Customs checkbox, actual and projected customs are calculated according to the formula given below. Note that the fixed customs rate is defined in the Customs Group field on the Purchasing Data tab of the item master data.

  • Actual/Projected customs = (FOB + included for customs landed costs) x fixed customs rate %

The system asks you whether you accept the newly calculated customs amount and distribute it according to the selection made. If you select Yes, both the projected and actual customs value are updated with the recalculated figure and the customs value per item is recalculated. If you select No, you have to update the actual customs amount and distribute the actual customs amount at line item level manually. Selecting No may be required if the actual customs value varies from the value calculated by SAP Business One. This may be the case when the customs or revenues authority assesses the associated goods customs value or duty rate differently.


Percentage rate of each landed cost out of the total FOB costs of the shipment. This factor can help you determine the shipment efficiency in comparison to other shipments or certain standards.


Recalculates the landed cost amounts if you have updated any data in the table.

Clear Table

Resets all landed cost amounts recorded in the table and changes the allocation methods back to their default values, as defined in the Landed Costs – Setup window.

New Landed Costs

Opens the Landed Costs – Setup window. If required, use this window to define additional landed costs while you process the document.