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Object documentationRequest for Approval Window Locate this document in the navigation structure


As an authorizer use this window to approve or reject draft documents.

For more information about how to open the Request for Approval window, see Approving Draft Documents.

Document Details

Status of the document:

  • Approved – The status of a transaction that has been approved, but not yet converted from a draft to a regular document.

  • Canceled – An approval procedure can be canceled and restarted as necessary. If the approval procedure is canceled, the draft document cannot be converted to a regular document.

  • Generated – The status of a transaction that has been approved and converted from a draft to a regular document by the originator.

  • Generated by Authorizer – The status of a transaction that has been approved and converted from a draft to a regular document by the authorizer.

  • Pending – The status of a transaction awaiting approval.

  • Rejected – The status of a transaction that was not approved and remains a draft. The authorizer can grant approval for a rejected transaction by changing the status accordingly.

Issue Date

The date on which the draft document was created.

Document No.

The number of the document.

Document Draft Internal ID

The number of the draft document.

Authorization Details

The authorization status, namely, pending, approved, and rejected.

Request Date

The date when the originator sent the approval request.


The name of the template, as defined in the Approval Templates - Setup window.


The name of the stage, as defined in the Approval Stages — Setup window.


Any remarks entered by the originator in the approval request.

Display History

Displays the authorization history.


Choose the approval decision, namely, approved, not approved, and pending.


Enter remarks for the approval decision.