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Object documentationSummary VAT Report Type - Setup Window: Korea Locate this document in the navigation structure


Use this window to set up report types used in summary VAT reporting in SAP Business One.

To access this window, choose   Administration   Setup   Financials   Tax   Summary VAT Report Type  .

  • To add a summary VAT report type, in the next available row, specify the name and description for the new type and choose Update.

  • To remove a summary VAT report type, select the record to remove and choose   Data   Remove  .

Once you have maintained all the summary VAT report types, choose OK to save your data.

Note Note

You cannot delete a summary VAT report type once it has been used to define a tax report type.

End of the note.
Summary VAT Report Type - Setup Window
Summary VAT Report Type

Specify a name for the summary VAT report type.


Describe the summary VAT report type.