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Object documentationTax Report - Declaration Window Locate this document in the navigation structure


This window displays the Tax Declaration Box report according to your defined selection criteria.

Note Note

This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.

End of the note.
Tax Report – Declaration Window
Box Code

Displays the box code and a drill-down option to display the tax group or boxes that are combined to calculate the value for this box.

Box Component Code

Displays the code of the component included in the box, and provides a drill-down icon that enables you to display the tax codes included in each component.

Tax Code

This column displays tax codes only in expanded view mode.

Use the drill-down icon next to the tax code to display a list of documents which use that tax code.

Tax %

Displays the rate of each tax group.

Posting Date

Displays the posting date of each document.

Doc. Date

Displays the document date of each document.

Credit Amount, Debit Amount

In a collapsed view mode, the credit column displays the cumulative amounts of both the credit and debit sides. A negative amount indicates a greater debit side, and vice versa.

In an expanded view mode, these columns display the credit or debit amounts per row in the transaction created by each document.

Summary Field

Displays the summary criteria defined in the Define Tax Declaration Box window.


Displays the choice made in the Credit/Debit column of the Define Tax Declaration Box window.