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The create database replication definition syntax has been modified and several new parameters added.

create database replication definition <db_repdef>
      with primary at <server_name>.<db>
      [not replicate DDL] |
      [replicate DDL [{{with | without} auto_update_table_list} |
      {{with | without} auto_extend_table_list}]]
      [[not] replicate functions setcont]
      [[not] replicate transactions setcont]
      [[not] replicate system procedures setcont]
      [[not] replicate tables [[setcont [except setcont]] | in files (‘<file_path>’)]
       [[not] replicate {SQLDML | DML_options} [in <table_list>]]
       [user <username> password <pass>]]
setcont  ::= [[in] ([<owner1>.]<name1>[, [<owner2>.]<name2> [, ... ]])]

Replication Server 15.7.1 SP200 adds these parameters:

  • [replicate DDL [{{with | without} auto_update_table_list} | {{with | without} auto_extend_table_list}] – Informs Replication Server to send DDL to subscribing databases and whether to update or extend the table list. If you specify replicate DDL without any option, DDL is sent to the replicate database, however, the table is not added to the replication path.
  • replicate DDL with auto_update_table_list – Sends DDL commands to the replicate database. If pdb_automark_tables is true for a table, the table is automatically updated in the table list when drop table or rename table DDL commands are encountered.
  • replicate DDL without auto_update_table_list – Sends DDL commands to the replicate database, but does not update the tables in the table list when drop table or rename table DDL commands are encountered.
  • replicate DDL with auto_extend_table_list – Sends DDL commands to the replicate database. For a table, if pdb_automark_tables is true, the table is automatically added to the table list when create table DDL commands are encountered.
  • replicate DDL without auto_extend_table_list – Sends DDL commands to the replicate database, but does not add the tables in the table list when create table DDL commands are encountered.
  • [[not] replicate tables [[<setcont> [except <setcont>]] – Specifies whether to send tables to the replicate database. When replicating tables you can have a maximum of one clause for tables. If you omit the clause, Replication Sever replicates all tables.

    An exception list can only be used with table list. The exception list adds additional adjustment for the table list defined in the database replication definition and takes precedence over the table list.

  • [[not] replicate tables in files (‘<file_path>’)] – Specifies whether to send tables specified in the <file_path> to the replicate database.
    where, <file_path> contains an include or exclude table list. You can specify only one file at a time and you must specify an absolute path for <file_path>.
    Note The user who starts the primary Replication Server must have read permission to read the file.
    The table name format in a file and in a table list is the same. You can specify the table names in a table list in these formats:
    • <ownername>.<tablename>
    • <tablename> (the table name is stored as dbo.tablename)
    • *.<tablename>
    • <ownername>.*
    • '*x*y'.'a*b' (wildcard embedded in the string)
    Note When create database replication definition is issued, the partial wildcard is expanded through all lists, including the table list and the exception list. The simple wildcard is expanded in the exception list before they are stored in the system table. You must specify values for user and password if your require any wildcard expansion.
    When you use an include or exclude table list, observe these guidelines:
    • The table name delimiter in the file must be a new line character.
    • Lines starting with # are ignored as comments.
    • Blanks before an owner name or table name are truncated.
    • The max length of an owner name is 30 characters.

    An exception list can only be used with table list. The exception list adds additional adjustment for the table list defined in the database replication definition and takes precedence over the table list.

  • [user <username> password <pass>] – The user ID and password used to connect to the primary Adaptive Server database or Replication Agent and select from the primary table.

    If you use wildcard in a table name, you must specify the <username> and <password>.

    If you use wildcard in a table name, you must specify values for user and password.
    Note The user and password values are used once and are not stored in the RSSD.
Example 1
Creates a database replication definition <dbrepdef>. DDL is replicated and if a table is marked for replication at the primary, the table is automatically added to <table_list> when create table DDL commands are encountered. The command also replicates data for the table <USER1.TABLE1> and all data for <TABLE2>, except the <TABLE2> owned by <USER2>.
create database replication definition <dbrepdef>
with primary at <ds1>.<pdb1>
replicate DDL 
with auto_extend_table_list
replicate tables in (<USER1>.<TABLE1>, *.<TABLE2>)  except in (<USER2>.<TABLE2>)
Example 2

Creates a database replication definition <db_repdef>. DDL is replicated, but does update the <table_list> when new DDL commands are encountered. The command also replicates data for the table specified in the file /sap/user/tablelist.txt, which include tables <USER1>.<TABLE1>, and all data for <TABLE2>.

For example, tablelist.txt contains:
#user tables:
create database replication definition <db_repdef>
with primary at <ds1>.<pdb1>
replicate DDL 
replicate tables in files (‘/sap/user/table_list.txt’)

See create database replication definition in the Reference Manual.