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Changes to alter database replication definitionLocate this document in the navigation structure

The alter database replication definition syntax has been modified to add tables to the replication path and remove tables from the replication path. You can specify tables inline or in a file list.

alter database replication definition <db_repdef>
with primary at <data_server.database>
{[{not replicate DDL} |
{replicate DDL [{with | without} {auto_update_table_list |
auto_extend_table_list}]}] |
[not] replicate <setname> <setcont> |
[not] replicate {{SQLDML | DML_options} [in <table_list>]} |
[alter owner from <current_table_owner> to <new_table_owner> [for
<table_name>]] |
[{add | remove} tables {<setcont>}]}
[with dsi_suspended]
[user <username> password <pass>]
<setcont> ::= [[in] ([<owner1>.]<name1>[, [<owner2.>]<name2> [, ... ]])] | [in files ([<file1> [, <file2> [, ..]]])]
<setname> ::= {tables | functions | transactions | system procedures}
  • When adding tables:
    • If a table is already defined as replicating in the database replication definition, nothing changes. Otherwise, this table is added to the replication path.
    • If a replicate site subscribes to a database replication definition, and the database subscription is created with the with materialization option, the table materializes automatically.
    • If multiple sites subscribe to a database replication definition, the table is not updated in the rs_dbsubsets table until all sites finish materialization.
  • When removing tables, if a table is defined as not replicating in the database replication definition, nothing changes. Otherwise, the table is removed from the replication path.
  • If multiple replicate sites subscribe to a database replication definition, changing the definition affects all of them. To avoid a global change, use a different database replication definition.