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ASE to Hive Datatype MappingLocate this document in the navigation structure

This table identifies the ASE datatype, the Replication Definition datatype, and the Hive datatype.

ASE datatype Replication Definition datatype Hive datatype
bigint bigint bigint
int Integer int
smallint smallint smallint
unsigned bigint unsigned bigint varchar
unsigned int unsigned int bigint
unsigned smallint unsigned smallint int
tinyint tinyint smallint
int identity integer int
numeric numeric decimal
decimal decimal decimal
float float double
real real float
double precision float double
money money decimal
smallmoney smallmoney decimal
datetime datetime timestamp
smalldatetime smalldatetime timestamp
bigdatetime bigdatetime timestamp
date date date
time time timestamp
char char char
varchar varchar varchar
unichar unichar varchar
univarchar univarchar varchar
nchar char varchar
nvarchar varchar varchar
image image No Default
text text No Default
unitext unitext No Default
binary binary binary
varbinary varbinary binary
bit tinyint tinyint
timestamp timestamp No Default
sysname varchar varchar
longsysname varchar(255) varchar
bigtime bigtime timestamp
Note When no default value is provided, the successful replication of the ASE type requires you to choose the customization tool of your choice to map to the Hive datatype based on your business needs.