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Displays all Replication Server configuration parameters.

admin config [, {  [ [ [{“connection” | logical_connection}, data_server, database]
                     | [“route”, repserver] ] [, configuration_name] ]
                 | [“table”, data_server, database,
                       [, table_name [[, table_owner], [, configuration_name]]]]
                 | ["sqm", q_number, q_type, configuration_name] } ]
Note If a configuration value is longer than 255 bytes, the admin config command only displays the first 251 bytes and an ellipsis (. . .).


Displays connection configuration parameters.


Displays logical connection configuration parameters.


Specifies the name of a table being queried on. Use together with <table_name> which is a character string of up to 200 characters. <table_owner> is an optional qualifier for the table name, representing the table owner.

If you do not specify a table name, admin config displays configuration parameters for all tables.

data_server, database

The data server and database being queried on.

If the configuration parameters to be displayed are related to a connection, the server must be a data server, and <database> must be supplied. If the parameters to be displayed are related to a route, server must be a Replication Server, and you cannot supply <database>.


Displays route configuration parameters.


Specifies the target Replication Server of the route.


The configuration parameter whose values and status you want to display.

The type of queue. Acceptable values are:
  • 0: Outbound queue

  • 1: Inbound queue

The ID number that Replication Server assigns to the queue. You can find this number in the output of the admin who, sqm command.
Displays Stable Queue configuration parameters.
Gets the cache size of one specific stable queue.
Note SQM currently supports only the sqm_cache_size parameter. Other parameters will be supported in later releases.
Example 1
Displays all Replication Server global configuration parameters:
admin config
Configuration         Config   Run     Default
                      Value    Value   Value
-------------------   ------   -----   -------
cm_max_connections    65       65      64
dsi_cmd_batch_size    8193     8193    8192

Legal Values         Datatype   Status
-------------------  --------   -----------------
range: 1,2147483647  integer    Restart required
range: 1,2147483647  integer    Restart required
(2 rows affected)
Example 2
Displays all configuration parameters for route to Replication Server, TOKYO_RS:
admin config, "route", TOKYO_RS
Example 3
Displays all configuration parameters for connection to pdb1:
admin config,"connection",ost_wasatch_04,pdb1
Configuration         Config   Run     Default
                      Value    Value   Value
-------------------   ------   -----   -------
dsi_cmd_batch_size    NULL     NULL    8192

Legal Values         Datatype   Status
-------------------  --------   -----------------
range: 1,2147483647  integer    Connection/Route
                                restart required
(1 row affected)
Example 4

Displays all configuration parameters after using dsi_command_convert to set d2none on the <tb1> table in the pubs2 database of the SYDNEY_DS data server:

admin config, “table”, SYDNEY_DS, pubs2

admin config displays:

Configuration         Config             Run                Default
                      Value              Value              Value
-------------------   ------             -----              -------
dsi_compile_enable    <server default>   <server default>   on
dsi_command_convert   d2none             d2none             none

Legal Values                                              Datatype
------------------------------------------------------    --------
list: on,of                                               string
list: none, i2none, d2none, u2none, i2di, u2di, t2none    string

Status                 Table
--------------------   -----
Restart not required   dbo.tb1
Restart not required   dbo.tb1

(2 rows affected)

Example 5

Displays the configuration parameters only for dsi_command_convert after using dsi_command_convert on the <tb1> table in the pubs2 database of the SYDNEY_DS dataserver:

admin config, “table”, SYDNEY_DS, pubs2, tb1, dsi_command_convert

admin config displays:

Configuration         Config   Run      Default
                      Value    Value    Value
-------------------   ------   -----    -------
dsi_command_convert   d2none   d2none   none

Legal Values                                              Datatype
------------------------------------------------------    --------
list: none, i2none, d2none, u2none, i2di, u2di, t2none    string

Status                 Table
--------------------   -----
Restart not required   dbo.tb1

(1 row affected)

Example 6
Retrieves queue level configuration values. The following command gets the value of the sqm_cache_size parameter for one queue:
admin config, "sqm", 104 , 1, sqm_cache_size

admin config displays:

Configuration     Config  Run    Default  Datatype
                  Value   Value  Value         
--------------    -----   -----  -----    -------
sqm_cache_size    14      14     16       integer

Legal           Status
-------------   ----------------
range: 1,4096   Restart required

(1 row affected)
Note SQM currently supports only the sqm_cache_size parameter. Other parameters will be supported in later releases.
  • Use admin config to retrieve the different types of configuration parameters—server, connection, logical connection, route—used to customize and tune the Replication Server.

  • Use admin config, "connection" to view Data Server Interface (DSI) and Replication Agent configuration parameters.


    The admin config, "connection" command does not display Distributor and Stable Queue Manager (SQM) thread configuration parameters.

For more information on configuring and tuning Replication Server parameters, refer to Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1 and Volume 2.